Champagne to my Canadian friends
September 4, 2007 1:29 PM   Subscribe

I need to send a bottle of champagne (specifically, Veuve Clicquot) as a gift. Thing is, I'm in the United States and I need to get it to Toronto. I've found 18004champagne, but not much else. Help me!
posted by missmle to Food & Drink (6 answers total)
Do you have a bottle in your possession that you want to send, or do you want to purchase it from a vendor who will ship it?
posted by Faint of Butt at 1:34 PM on September 4, 2007

Response by poster: I would like to purchase it from a vendor in Canada, and have them ship it. It's not the most efficient thing to ship alcohol internationally.
posted by missmle at 1:47 PM on September 4, 2007

Call the LCBO. They may be able to help you out--they do deliver, but it's spendy.
posted by dirtynumbangelboy at 2:00 PM on September 4, 2007

Go to the LCBO website and look up the product you want, then do a google search on liquor delivery services like I Dial A Bottle. Select a service in the right neighbourhood, let them know the product and product number, and the service will go the LCBO, pick up the product in question and deliver it to your specified destination for a small fee.
posted by cardboard at 2:01 PM on September 4, 2007

Seconding finding a liquor delivery service in their area to do it for you. But you'll probably have better results searching Canada 411 for "liquor delivery".
posted by chuma at 6:48 PM on September 4, 2007

worst case scenario, if you can't find a service to do it, i'll do it for you.
i'm going to be in/around Toronto at least 3 times this month for concerts, and i wouldn't mind to help.
posted by gursky at 8:48 AM on September 5, 2007

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