Looking for tablet software
May 1, 2004 5:09 PM   Subscribe

Having recently acquired a cheapo tablet, I am looking for programs to play with that take advantage of 256 levels of pressure sensitiviy. I have had fun with photoshop, illustrator, freehand, fireworks and corel painter. Can somebody recomend other apps where a tablet makes a difference?
posted by signal to Computers & Internet (9 answers total)
Looks like you've got 512 levels actually.

Might be picking up one of those myself sometime soon.
posted by fvw at 5:26 PM on May 1, 2004

Response by poster: fvw, it's not bad, though the drivers a bit flaky, and the sensitivity goes out of whack if you try to resize the input area.
posted by signal at 5:56 PM on May 1, 2004

Have you tried Alias Sketchbook Pro? There’s a fully functional trial that you can download on their website. It’s a wonderful and intuitive drawing program that is perfect for the tablet. I use it for sketching, as well as taking notes.
posted by Tenuki at 8:20 PM on May 1, 2004

Ah, too quick off the start - tablet, not tablet PC...
posted by Tenuki at 8:21 PM on May 1, 2004

Flash supports pressure for the paint tool. It's a very fun and quick way to do frame-by-frame scribbly animation.
posted by ulotrichous at 8:43 PM on May 1, 2004

Does the cheapo tablet work with the Gimp? I had a Wacom that was really fun with Flash - as mentioned above - but it totally freaked out the Gimp, which was sad. Cause I love me some Gimp.
posted by freebird at 12:59 AM on May 2, 2004

a tablet makes iSketch more fun
posted by gluechunk at 1:12 AM on May 2, 2004

Not to state the obvious, but Paint Shop Pro uses pressure sensitivity.

Project Dogwaffle is fun to play with as well.
posted by xyzzy at 7:43 PM on May 2, 2004

Tablets rule.
I dont know if you use flash much, but it makes quite a difference there. Also, mine came with a nice thing called comic studio mini (it might only be japanese) but it is a good system for doing comic book style layouts and illustration.

Also, if you are just screwing around, try playing the sims, or any similar point and click game (i couldnt get it to work with any first person type games).
posted by lkc at 12:27 AM on May 27, 2004

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