Leading International Trips
April 29, 2004 1:59 PM   Subscribe

I'm looking for job opportunities leading semester abroad trips or similar international educational experiences. I've done research and am continuing to do so on Google, but so far the two best organizations I'm aware of and have spoken to have not come up at all in my searching.

Before we start, I am not looking to teach English in China, Japan, Korea or elsewhere. I want to take a group of people to one or more countries for purposes of exposure, cultural exchange, and personal growth. My primary area of interest is Latin America, though I am willing to go almost anywhere (except, oh I don't know, Baghdad) in the world if the position is right. Responsibilities can include academic instruction, but don't have to -- i.e., I would also lead volunteer-work trips.

Your suggestions or leads are appreciated.
posted by whoshotwho to Work & Money (4 answers total)
Interlocken (soon to have a new name due to a ridiculous trademark dispute) runs some programs you should look into. From the main site, check out Crossroads Adventure Travel and Global Routes (the latter seems more down your alley, the staff position page is here). They have other things, too, so dig around a bit. I went to the summer camp for four years, and as far as I can tell, the entire organization really is amazing.
posted by whatnotever at 2:33 PM on April 29, 2004

I would suggest searching for companies interested in Eco Tourism or Culinary Tourism if you haven't already.
posted by falconred at 3:49 PM on April 29, 2004

If you have any academic expertise, you could make $4-5000 for 3 weeks work by applying here. It may be slightly safer than Baghdad.
posted by biffa at 3:36 AM on April 30, 2004

Are you Jewish? There are lots of jews-getting-back-to-their-roots type trips. Some are short (2 weeks), some are long (1 year). Many are not religious at all, but instead cultural, historical, and educational (I won't use the z word).

I can provide some links, but if you're not Jewish, they probably won't help. If you are, email me and I'll be happy to point you toward some groups that I've worked for in the past.

[Note: Perhaps this would work for other nationalities / ethnicities as well. I'm guessing here, but perhaps greeks, italians, eastern europeans, and south americans do the same kinds of things.]
posted by zpousman at 7:20 AM on April 30, 2004

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