Undiscovered thrift stores near DC?
August 2, 2007 7:44 AM   Subscribe

DC and surrounding area thrift store filter: I am willing to drive into rural MD or VA to find second hand/ thrift/ junk stores that have not been picked over- I am looking to buy mismatched dinnerware pieces and silver. Any recommendations? Hidden treasure troves?

I am looking to rebuild my bohemian-ish stoneware kitchen set lost to divorce....
posted by mistsandrain to Home & Garden (9 answers total) 5 users marked this as a favorite
Try one of my favorite thift store resources for locations where you'll be visiting: The Thrift Shopper Directory & Magazine. Their directory has helped me plan many thrift store road trips.
posted by ScottUltra at 8:15 AM on August 2, 2007

The Value Village in College Park is OK and one of the biggest thrift stores close in.
posted by exogenous at 8:25 AM on August 2, 2007 [1 favorite]

The intersection of Mt. Vernon Ave. and E. Monroe Ave. in Alexandria, VA has two great (reasonably priced) antique stores. The one right on the corner is the better of the two.
posted by J-Train at 8:56 AM on August 2, 2007

Here's a few by my house.

Also, there's a newish thrift store which is huge and has a good selection of dishes on the right side of 301 when you are coming south out of the city, a little bit past the Waldorf Hotel. The sign has a big picture of a cartoon clothing tag that I think looks more like a big anthropomorphic toilet paper roll.
posted by JeremiahBritt at 9:08 AM on August 2, 2007

I've been out of DC for a while, but Ruff & Ready Furnishings on 14 St at V, near Logan Circle, was one of my favorites when I lived there. I'm fairly sure they carried silverware, and they certainly had general silver teapot-y stuff.

A quick write-up of the store, and more suggestions, from the Washingtonian.
posted by occhiblu at 10:48 AM on August 2, 2007

In Laurel, on Rt 198 very near the intersection with Rt 197, there's my personal fav: The Village Thrift Store. It's huge. It has a decent size area for dishes and housewares. They tag items for 1/2 price sales, too.
posted by Corky at 11:24 AM on August 2, 2007

Um, I'm in DC and I have about a dozen mismatched stoneware dinner plates...Email's in the profile if you're interested, I can send pictures. I'm looking to get rid of them so I can give you a good price.
posted by landedjentry at 1:49 PM on August 2, 2007

Come to Frederick! While there are overpriced antiques to be found in downtown Frederick, we have a couple of good cheaper options. Old Glory Antiques is one, Antique Station is another - both are full of individually operated booths. Find them under Antique Malls here. If you'd like to go a bit further afield, you can head west on 40 from Frederick towards Hagerstown. After you pass the big Sheetz on the left (near the turnoff to Boonsboro), you'll come to big, side-by-side antique malls on your right. Both are similar to above.
posted by ersatzkat at 6:19 PM on August 2, 2007

There are 2 thrift stores side-by-side in Hillandale, at the New Hampshire exit on the Beltway. There's some kinda crazy discount on the first Monday of the month (and maybe holidays, too) that's like 50% off.
posted by grateful at 7:52 AM on August 3, 2007

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