Downloading CD Art
April 24, 2004 6:37 PM   Subscribe

I'm bourning some copies of CDs (that I own), and would like to label them with the original artwork. Not having a scanner, what's a good online source for searching/downloading CD-art?
posted by signal to Media & Arts (8 answers total)
this looks kinda promising, but nothing will have anything....maybe you should take images from amazon or something?
posted by amberglow at 6:56 PM on April 24, 2004

oop-nothing will have everything
posted by amberglow at 6:57 PM on April 24, 2004

" - World's Largest Cover Archive."

There's a search box at the top of the right column.
posted by bitpart at 6:58 PM on April 24, 2004

Is it too cheap to turn to Amazon for this?
posted by grabbingsand at 8:55 PM on April 24, 2004

Response by poster: Um, Amazon doesn't have shots of the actual discs, do they?
posted by signal at 9:06 PM on April 24, 2004

I used to do a lot of this, and is great as far as completeness of a disc's or album's artwork in a nice high resolution, but it's a pretty incomplete collection. I wound up using, believe it or not, Wal-Mart's CD section -- broadest collection with the highest res images (talking about album/cd covers only).
posted by stupidsexyFlanders at 10:41 PM on April 24, 2004

On 2nd thought, $25 (fatwallet, anandtech) would get you a scanner good enough to do this job very well, and you'll find other uses for it. Go this route if you can afford it, since you own the CDs and all. So you say. ;)
posted by stupidsexyFlanders at 10:43 PM on April 24, 2004

I'm bourning some copies of CDs

does jason approve of this?
posted by quonsar at 10:07 AM on April 25, 2004

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