Recommendations for Windows outlining tool similar to Omni Outliner.
April 20, 2004 1:22 PM   Subscribe

In need of a recommendation for an Windows outlining tool that has the same functionality as the Omni Outliner that ships with Mac OSX? Need to document a software testing plan and can't find a program for the Windows that works as well as Omni does for the Mac. All suggestions are appreciated.
posted by specialk420 to Computers & Internet (8 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I think Omnioutliner only ships with powerbooks, because my Ibook didn't come with a copy of that or Omnigraffle.

this might work:

I found it will trying to relocate a really cool java programming editor that had outlining built in.

Here is a page with overviews of a number of shareware offerings:

Ecco is the only one that activates my brand-recognition neurons.

Word has a built-in outliner that works. Pretty much.

Finally, has a bunch of orphan-ware for the mac and some windows stuff.

Outliners and mind mapping software are very cool, imo.
posted by mecran01 at 3:23 PM on April 20, 2004

Treepad Lite isn't bad.

There's also Keynote.

If you're looking for something a little more powerful, I like Leo.

If you don't mind a mind mapper type interface, I really enjoy Freemind.
posted by AmaAyeRrsOonN at 4:34 PM on April 20, 2004

Ooooh, I had forgotten about Freemind (just switched from a thinkpad to an Ibook). Groooovy!
posted by mecran01 at 5:01 PM on April 20, 2004

BrainForest is pretty cool, but the main interface has historically been a PalmOS application. It now ships with a desktop piece that runs on OSX and Windows, but I can't vouch for how well it works independantly of a PDA.
posted by majick at 8:38 PM on April 20, 2004

(Also for mecran01: Eclipse is a really cool Java et. al. editor with outlining built in.)
posted by majick at 8:40 PM on April 20, 2004

Response by poster: thanks for the suggestions - someone needs to do an omni outliner clone for the pc ... dang.
posted by specialk420 at 8:53 PM on April 20, 2004

Second vote for LEO.
posted by five fresh fish at 9:22 AM on April 21, 2004

Checking in late here, and this has scrolled off the front page, but ... Micro$oft has a new offering called OneNote, and it's pretty fucking slick. A guy I know who's an MS beta tester and all-around early adopter has been keeping notes in class with it for the past few months and it's blown my socks off.
posted by SpecialK at 1:22 AM on April 22, 2004

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