One Site for Camp's Online Registration/Merchandise? Or Use Separate Sites?
April 15, 2004 5:29 PM   Subscribe

I have a friend who is running a basketball camp. They want to have their site allow online registration/payment. We've looked at places like Eteamz and CampRegister. But eventually my friend has merchandise they would like to sell on this site as well. Should they just use the registration sites until the time comes that they want to sell the other stuff? Should they just get something that just allows them to let people pay them online for anything? And if they do that, since I don't imagine they will be selling huge quantities of stuff what should they use to sell their stuff (camp and merchandise) online? Paypal?
posted by nramsey to Computers & Internet (1 answer total)
Either they need to use a standard shopping cart of some type (most web hosting sites come with a shopping cart included) and simply add the camp itself as a product, or they need to get someone who knows web programming to knock something together real quick for them.

There's many ways to do credit card processing these days without a merchant account, although it's probably cheapest to go with the merchant account. One that comes to mind is ... however, note that you'll still have to have someone set up the interface between the credit card processor and the site.
posted by SpecialK at 8:37 PM on April 16, 2004

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