Wanted: Jazz New Releases
June 8, 2007 5:54 AM   Subscribe

I am looking for an effortless way of listening to new jazz releases. Pandora was quite good, but it doesn't work in Europe anymore. Some clever radio show might be enough, as long as they play a lot of music and don't speak too much (bbc).
posted by mitocan to Media & Arts (6 answers total)
Well, you can probably forget most podcasts, as that scene seems dedicated to talking too much.

My old radio station has 5 hours of jazz programming every weekday, and they stream.
posted by mkb at 6:16 AM on June 8, 2007

Not directly answering your question, but I live in the UK and have no trouble using Pandora. Just enter a valid zip code. (That famous Beverly Hills one works fine for me).
posted by punilux at 6:25 AM on June 8, 2007 [1 favorite]

You can go to places like Jazz Review to find albums of potential interest and then go to the band's website for a listen to selected tracks.
posted by caddis at 7:42 AM on June 8, 2007

If you are looking for something similar to pandora, did you try last.fm ? (I don't know how much jazz they have, though)
posted by mmkhd at 7:50 AM on June 8, 2007

Some shows on Jazz FM are very non-talky.

p.s. punilux - thank you!
posted by ceri richard at 9:27 AM on June 8, 2007

Winamp + Shoutcast?

Have you tried Slacker?
posted by stovenator at 10:39 AM on June 8, 2007

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