Great graphic design studios in Chicago?
May 27, 2007 1:44 PM   Subscribe

Great graphic design studios in Chicago?

I'm a midwestern girl currently working in Minneapolis, wondering about the "design scene" in Chicago.

I really enjoy the richness of the art community here, a BIG move up from my home town, Milwaukee. I'm thinking of moving to Chicago in a couple of years though, to be closer to my family and to enjoy some new scenery.

Sadly, I'm having trouble navigating the web to find killer design firms in Chicago. My first instinct was to try finding some through the AIGA Chicago directory search, but I haven't found the types of places I'm looking for - most so far are a little too corporate for my tastes. I'd especially like to find any eclectic, small firms who are making strides in environmental design or doing lots of non-profit work.

Do any of you have any favorites for me to check out? Or other ideas of where to look? Anything will help! Thanks!
posted by SoylentErin to Media & Arts (5 answers total) 7 users marked this as a favorite
They aren't really what you're looking for, as I don't think they're what anyone is really looking for. Because people are looking for the wrong things. Coudal Partners are great. Quite teh quirk.

I'm sure somebody here can point you in the right direction, though.
posted by Alt F4 at 2:20 PM on May 27, 2007

coudal rocks and I keep on hearing on vcs or whatever they are called (I could look that up when I'm back in the office next week) but in general, the market isn't all that saturated with great graphic design firms in chicago. digital kitchen might be of interest for you, if you do motion that is, but a lot of the business in this town is packaged goods. I know a boatload of other graphic designers who work on kellogs packaging and the likes. not very exciting if you ask me.

if you are considering moving to a city with a large concentration of killer design places, I'd recommend new york city, los angeles, san francisco or seattle.
posted by krautland at 3:38 PM on May 27, 2007

I only know of one Chicago based design team, and I haven't seen them around here for a while: MeFi members Su and patricking run House of Pretty.

And while I don't know if they've done any environmental design, they are most assuredly and eclectic (and brilliant) design team, IMHO.
posted by gummi at 7:43 PM on May 27, 2007

Um...they are 'an' eclectic...etc.

My bad.
posted by gummi at 7:46 PM on May 27, 2007

Firebelly does really good work. Every year, they give away a year of service to a deserving non-profit organization.
posted by bryanzera at 12:39 PM on June 6, 2007

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