media literacy and advertising
January 21, 2007 6:35 AM   Subscribe

Can anyone help me find some advertising oriented media literacy videos?

I am searching for a very specific type of media literacy material. In the early 90’s I went to a public lecture on advertising where some people were promoting some very well made media literacy videos. The videos were put together by people who made television ads (primarily directors, if I remember correctly). A few of the more memorable vids had the director reading the production notes s/he had received from the agency over the video s/he then shot. For example: I remember production notes for a candy bar where the agency wanted something like ‘a multicultural yet family feel’ and the accompanying video had an African-American family happily munching the candy bar together in front of the television. Can anyone point me in the direction of these materials, the name of the group that made them, or something very similar and recent? I have had a good look around online I am not coming up with any specific answers.
posted by anglophiliated to Education (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I don' t know what you've looked at online so far, but perhaps the folks at the Media Education Foundation can help. Here's their list of videos; anything here look familiar? Or you could simply contact them. Even if they're not responsible for the videos you describe, they might be familiar with them.
posted by jessicak at 4:58 PM on January 21, 2007

Response by poster: Thanks jessicak. That helps.
posted by anglophiliated at 10:03 AM on January 25, 2007

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