Who hires boats in Cabo?
December 29, 2006 1:58 PM   Subscribe

Anniversary experience for a couple staying in Cabo San Lucas -- specifically someone to take them out on the Sea of Cortez?

My parents are spending their 30th anniversary in Cabo, staying at the Hilton. My sisters and I are looking to get them something to add onto that trip besides just massages at the hotel or whatever, and it seems from investigating the other Cabo threads that the #1 option is getting out on the Sea of Cortez. Can anyone recommend a service they might use to do so? Does someone have a different recommendation for a must-do activity in the area?
posted by blueshammer to Travel & Transportation around San Lucas, Mexico (1 answer total)
This depends on how adventurous Mom and Dad are. I went out there in December two years ago and had the time of my life riding 4 wheelers... motorcycles with 4 wheels. It sounds crazy but they are very easy to drive- all have automatic transmissions. They take you out to never ending beach. On one side is the ocean in all its glory, on the other side is active ranches with cattle- no buidlings, no homes, no other people. They let you go on your own to do what ever you like. My wife is not the adventurous sort but she enjoyed this. As we rode down the beach we were lucky enough to see migrating whales. It was truely an incredible experience as the sun was setting in this beautiful area. If you call the hotel they can set up everything for you.
posted by bkeene12 at 8:27 PM on December 29, 2006

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