My browser is sick!
December 28, 2006 10:23 PM   Subscribe

I'm having some really strange cookie issues with Firefox (2.01). For starters, I can't access

First off, my specs: I'm on XP, running Firefox 2.0 (which recently upgraded itself to 2.01). Weird things are happening that I can't figure out.

--I'm in Japan, and when I type in, it takes me to, the Japanese Google site. In the bottom corner, it'll say "Google in English" and a link to the English site, but I click it and it does nothing. I've been using ahoo search this past week. Various random Google pages, like my Google Calendar page, is also in Japanese.

--Yahoo won't save my login info. I have to type in my damn username and password everytime I check my email.

Other strange things: YouTube videos don't play automatically, and I have to hit the "play" button several times. Don't have this problem with Google video or other video sites. And my Hotmail! I have to manually log in like with Yahoo, and do so successfully, but when I click on "inbox", it logs me out!

I've tried simply deleting my cookies, but that didn't do anything--I still have the same problems. Browser Masters, whatever shall I do?
posted by zardoz to Computers & Internet (2 answers total)
Does this only happen with Firefox? And could it have to do with the cable damage near Taiwan?
posted by lullabyofbirdland at 12:01 AM on December 29, 2006

Maybe reinstall or downgrade back to 2.0?

Isn't youtube videos in flash? maybe there's a setting to autoplay flash. but i thought flash autoplaying is independent of the browser.
posted by 0217174 at 11:00 AM on December 29, 2006

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