How do I get certified to teach an official defensive driving class in California?
December 21, 2006 9:51 PM   Subscribe

How do I get certified to teach an official defensive driving class in California?

I like teaching, and I actually think I could do a fun and good job at teaching those defensive driving classes you need to take if you get a speeding ticket. I have a educational venue I could offer it at. Does anyone know what's involved in getting officially certified? I realize I could call the DMV, and I will tomorrow, but maybe the Metafilter community has first hand experience?
posted by puppy kuddles to Law & Government (2 answers total)
I have no advice other than calling the DMV and possibly the courthouse, since they send people to the classes as part of punishment for tickets (I'm guessing, not in Cali). The other option is just calling a defensive driving school that already exists. If the guy is a jerk, he'll be one, but there are enough schools out there that one of them will give you a 2 minute pointer on where to go to learn more.

Sorry I can't help directly, but those are all the places I'd call to figure out what is needed.
posted by cschneid at 7:58 AM on December 22, 2006

Best answer: Licensing for driving schools in California is handled by the DMV's Occupational Licensing division. A quick review seems to indicate that licenses for Driving Schools and Traffic Violator School are handled separately. I think you'd need both types of license if you want to accept students referred by a court and do more than just classroom instruction (i.e. actual behind-the-wheel instruction).
posted by RichardP at 10:37 AM on December 22, 2006

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