Help me keep my office hardware and blood pressure stable.
November 22, 2006 12:08 PM   Subscribe

Is there a competent, reliable hardware service company in the L.A. area that can maintain my computers and office equipment?

My company has a service contract for all office equipment . The company originally contracted with has been bought out many times over. What I now have is a contractor who covers so many different types and makers of equipment, that it can't possibly employ people capable of servicing them all (my empirical conclusion). Each time we require a service call, after a lot of head scratching, we are told that we need a new piece of equipment. If we complain they will send out the last knowledgeable employee left at the company. Is it possible and how do I go about finding a company that can handle this type of service contract?
posted by SMELLSLIKEFUN to Technology (1 answer total)
Given that it's been a few weeks...

If you're still in need, I'd recommend asking this question, again, on sites like and They'll have a lot more "localized traffic" ready to answer this type of question.
posted by maschnitz at 9:41 AM on December 17, 2006

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