Disco Screen of Death
November 10, 2006 4:30 PM   Subscribe

My laptop is going wonky. Sometimes when I jiggle it, it cuts to a full screen series of flashing colors (I think the order is black, white, red, blue, then green). Each color in the series holds for about a second before proceeding to the next one, then the sequence repeats. I have to then hard restart it. WTF?

The hard restart itself it a pain because for some reason I have to mess around and tilt the viewing screen at oblique angles while pressing power until the right angle or pressure is reached and it will respond to my pressing the power button. This problem, which is constant and not contingent on the flashing screens, may be related.

This just started a couple days ago, but seems to be increasing in frequency. Because it only happens when I am moving or bumping the laptop, I assume it is some sort of hardware issue.

I have a Dell Latitude D800 and it is over two years old (please don't tell me Dell sucks or anything because I know).
posted by Falconetti to Computers & Internet (5 answers total)
Sounds like your display is shot. Might have a crack inside the display itself, which would explain why things mess up when you tilt it. I'd suggest talking to Dell.
posted by Aanidaani at 5:14 PM on November 10, 2006

I'd suggest not jiggling it :-P

Call Dell.
posted by jesirose at 6:49 PM on November 10, 2006

Best answer: You have a loose connection, probably the video card (yes, many laptops have discrete video cards these days), or a the cable that connects to the monitor. The stress you're putting on the case is re-seating the connection just enough.

To avoid permanent damage, STOP shaking the machine, doing weird voodoo startup tricks and so on. Call Dell and see if they'll get a tech to take it apart and re-seat the cable, or get the disassembly guide from Dell's website (They exist for every Dell ever) and do it yourself.

You will have to take out about 10 screws, lift out the keyboard and plate near the power switch, and re-seat a connector near the hinge.
posted by fake at 9:10 PM on November 10, 2006

Response by poster: Thanks everyone for the help. I am going to try doing this myself (with help).
posted by Falconetti at 9:53 PM on November 10, 2006

Best answer: It's not that bad to do, with proper screwdriver, some patience, and a paper-covered tabletop where you can lay out and mark the screws. If you want or need any specific advice please email me. I think you'll find that the Dell disassembly guide says it all, though.
posted by fake at 12:16 AM on November 11, 2006

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