Help locating eyeglass cleaning system.
November 3, 2006 1:17 PM   Subscribe

Several years ago ('98-ish) I purchased an eyeglass cleaning system that consisted of a wide mouth plastic bottle and cleaning solution. The bottle had a little "bellows" built into the bottom that would push back on the glasses and hold them firmly against the lid when sealed. The bottle was partially filled with a cleaning solution and to clean the glasses you shook it a while just like using a cocktail shaker. It worked great, but it went missing after a few years (apparently the thief liked it too!) I'd like to get my hands on another one but my searches are not producing hits. Any help tracking this thing down (brand name?) would be much appreciated.
posted by smc62 to Shopping (2 answers total)
I had a similar device that I got from ">Sharper Image.

It isn't exactly like you described, but holds the glasses and shakes them.
posted by Sheppagus at 9:28 AM on November 7, 2006

Aaaaaaargh. Let me try again on that link.
posted by Sheppagus at 9:28 AM on November 7, 2006

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