Freeware/Shareware PSP video converter?
October 23, 2006 12:08 PM   Subscribe

Does anyone know of a freeware/shareware video codec for converting video for use on my PSP?

A less-than-computer-literate friend of mine was given a PSP for his entertainment. He recently asked me if there was a way to convert video files for use in the PSP - and I am trying to locate something that would work for encoding movie files for his usage.

I have of course run the gamut of googling this subject and found numerous programs/codecs/general stuff that looks like any of it might work. Have you folks found or used anything that wasn't full of crap and spyware, or needed to have the use of a pay service for features that I don't even need? One program (Videora) has a free converter attached, but needs me to use this video bittorent service that doesn't look all-that-legal.

posted by jimmyhutch to Computers & Internet (5 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
have not tried it myself, but this looks like it might have you covered.
posted by juv3nal at 12:18 PM on October 23, 2006

What about the Videor a Converter? It is very easy to use. I personnally do not own a PSP, but a friend of mine has employed it ever since.

I personally, however, would prefer Mediacoder .
posted by pu9iad at 12:32 PM on October 23, 2006

PSP Video 9
posted by stungeye at 1:24 PM on October 23, 2006

I know a couple of guys with PSPs that use PSP Video 9 with great success. Seems very easy to use.
posted by pocams at 1:25 PM on October 23, 2006

I use Videora iPod converter. The newer firmwares on the PSP create a folder on the memory stick called "Media" into which you can dump iPod-formatted video. File sizes are smallish and the program's really easy to use.

I do iPod video for my PSP because I never really could get my head around the PSP's odd naming conventions and multiple-file requirements for video. With iPod video you dump the MP4 into the Media folder and it just works.

Widescreen content is compressed so that if you play it back on your computer it looks odd but when you play back on the PSP with stretch-to-fit screen mode selected, it fills the screen and looks great.
posted by ChuckLeChuck at 7:33 AM on October 24, 2006

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