classic literature to pop culture
January 22, 2004 2:45 PM   Subscribe

I'm searching for a dedicated listing of movies/television episodes with direct links and/or crafty allusions to classic literature, a la "Clueless" to "Emma," or "The Lion King" to "Hamlet." (Or various episodes of The Simpsons to a whole bunch of different things.)

Ideally I would love to see a website where someone has already done the legwork, but in the absence of that, I'd welcome suggestions as well.
posted by ferociouskitty to Media & Arts (10 answers total)
This site has a long list of all types of Simpson's allusions. Not exactly what you're looking for, but perhaps a part of it anyway.
posted by split atom at 3:19 PM on January 22, 2004

Strange Brew = Hamlet
posted by mathis23 at 3:28 PM on January 22, 2004

Scotland, PA -- Macbeth

West Side Story -- Romeo & Juliet

10 Things I Hate About You -- Taming of the Shrew

A Place In The Sun -- An American Tragedy (Theodore Dreiser)
posted by contessa at 4:47 PM on January 22, 2004

posted by gluechunk at 5:12 PM on January 22, 2004

Actually you can use IMDB's keywords to find a lot of the Shakespeare ones.

Also, there are the "based-on" keywords.
based-on-opera, based-on-play, based-on-shakespeare, based-on-legend, etc. etc. etc.
posted by milovoo at 6:38 PM on January 22, 2004

"Forbidden Planet" -- The Tempest.

"Ran" -- King Lear.

"Apocalypse Now" -- Heart of Darkness.

"September" -- Uncle Vanya/The Seagul.

"Throne of Blood" -- MacBeth.

"Fanny & Alexander" -- Hamlet.

"The Dresser" -- King Lear.
posted by grumblebee at 7:25 PM on January 22, 2004

"Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" -- Moby Dick
posted by kirkaracha at 6:37 AM on January 23, 2004

Sorry, here's a better version of the above.
posted by staggernation at 12:04 PM on January 23, 2004

"O Brother Where Art Thou?" is (very) loosely based on The Odyssey.
posted by gwint at 12:11 PM on January 23, 2004

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