Will it better to use a DVD recorder or TV tuner on my computer to save my programs
October 10, 2006 3:21 PM   Subscribe

What is the best way to save my HD recordings from my DVR box so I can view it later on?

I am about to turn in my DVR box back to Time Warner Cable. But before I get rid of the box, I want to save some recordings to either DVD or my computer's hard drive. I researched a little about transferring files from the box directly to computer (via firewire cable) and found out it’s not possible because of some copyright restrictions (I could be wrong). I would love to keep the HD resolution of these programs but I am not limited to it. I was wondering if I should buy one of those DVD recorders or maybe a TV tuner for my computer. If I went with the DVD recorder, will it record in widescreen ratio (16:9) like the program is? Please give me some ideas or your experiences. Thanks in advance.

I have a Scientific Atlanta Explorer 8300HD box.
posted by apple to Technology (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
DVHS for OS X can move HD content from a tuner to a firewire equipped mac.
posted by Steve3 at 3:35 PM on October 10, 2006

more than likely, the recordings are encrypted and so whatever you extract from via the firewire port will be unplayable. its worth giving DVHS a shot just to see what happens, though.

a DVD recorder that's hooked up over the s-video output will probably maintain the 16:9 ratio. but then you might have to deal with macrovision. and of course it wont be HD resolution anymore... DVD = 720x480; HD=1280x720p or 1920x1080i

this is why i have a mythtv box and a directv HDTivo!
posted by joeblough at 5:25 PM on October 10, 2006

5 pages of AVSforum discussion on DVHS. If you go this route, I'm sure there's a lot to learn here.
posted by Steve3 at 7:26 PM on October 10, 2006

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