Monkland Daycare and Kindergarten
October 2, 2006 3:29 PM   Subscribe

Montreal Filter: Daycares and kindergarten in the Monkland area?

I'm looking for Kindergarten and day care facilities in the Monkland area, or near Villa Maria Metro, or in the Peel & St-Antoine regions. Private or public. Any online resources are also appreciated.
posted by furtive to Education (1 answer total)
Best answer: Here's what I have so far:

Big Step Daycare Centre
6806 Chester avenue Phone: (514) 484-2119

Montreal Playskool Daycare
4820 Mariette avenue Phone: (514) 489-0214

West End Daycare
4171 Madison avenue Phone: (514) 488-8880

Children’s Corner Daycare Centre
7005 Kildare Street Phone: (514) 484-4344

CPE Les copains d’abord de Montréal
5355 West Hill Phone: (514) 487-4481

Somerled Daycare
6532 Somerled avenue Phone: (514) 486-6297

CPE Jardin d’enfants N.D.G
4335 Hampton avenue Phone: (514) 484-4444
posted by furtive at 5:02 PM on October 2, 2006

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