synopsis of children's book Shaggy Fur Face?
August 16, 2006 8:59 PM   Subscribe

Here's a twist - I know the title of the book (Shaggy Fur Face), can you tell me what it's about?

Briefly, someone has asked me to produce some writing that references a children's book from the early 70's called Shaggy Fur Face, by Vip with verse by Robert Kraus. The barest thread of a synopsis I've got so far from sifting through the internet is it is about a dog who's owner is forced to give up, which then perserveres through various adversity.

Can anyone give me a concise but detailed synopsis? It looks to be a bit difficult to find and I'd like to start working on themes and elements of the project without having to wait to find it. I only really need the major plot elements, though comments on art and textual style are welcome as well. Weird request, yes, but help?
posted by nanojath to Media & Arts (3 answers total)
I can't summarize it for you, but I can find you a copy. According to OCLC WorldCat, a copy of Shaggy fur face is at the Children's Literature Research Collections at the University of Minnesota's Andersen Library, just a few miles from the location in your profile.
posted by RichardP at 10:38 PM on August 16, 2006

Oh, by the way, VIP was the pseudonym used by Virgil Franklin Partch.
posted by RichardP at 11:07 PM on August 16, 2006

the site has a readers forum where pretty much anything goes. there are people there who have read pretty much everything, and i'm sure someone would be happy to help. you might have to register for a free account.

there is also a very rough copy for sale there for $20 if it's worth that to you. do a title search and it'll take you there.

good luck!
posted by lisaj32 at 6:52 AM on August 17, 2006

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