Help me find my deleted SMS messages
July 26, 2006 7:54 AM   Subscribe

I have deleted a molder of SMS messages from my Nokia N80. I did it by accident, and I'd quite like them back. I am a clutz. Can anyone tell me if there's an easy solution or software to "undelete" them?!
posted by wibbler to Technology (2 answers total)
I think you're out of luck unless the folder was stored on removable media. I've never seen an undelete tool that works on the internal phone memory for symbian... and the available prognosis at all about symbian isn't good either.

If the folder was on your memory card, you could try mounting it on a computer and using an undelete tool there.
posted by ulotrichous at 8:40 AM on July 26, 2006

As ulotrichous said, unless they were stored on the memory card or the SIM card, you're out of luck. There is a way that I've seen documented somewhere but it requires special equipment and (from memory) dissassembly of the phone. Think hi-tech crime labs. If they were stored on your SIM, something like Infinity might be able to recover them.
posted by blag at 9:07 AM on July 26, 2006

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