Outlook 2003 is a stubborn whore
July 20, 2006 4:01 PM   Subscribe

How can I make Outlook 2003 "adopt" current text formatting when replying to an email by inserting text in-line?

Just forced to move from Thunderbird to Outlook 2003 for the first time, and I am tearing out my hair trying to get Outlook to behave well with existing formatting. Here's the deal:

I received an email that was formatted a specific way, with fonts, colors, bolding, etc. I was expected to edit a few numbers with current ones, and resend the email.

Any time I tried to jump into the text to change a number, the new number I typed came out according to the Outlook default text formatting, which is exactly not the one used in the email. To fix it, I would have to go back and manually change all of the new text to match the existing formats. I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to get Outlook to adopt the existing format when inserting/editing text. Grr...

Thunderbird does this fine. If I click in the middle of a Courier New 10pt sentence, boom, TB changes the settings to match. If I then click in a blue, bolded Times sentence, again TB changes the settings to match. Why won't Outlook do this?
posted by toomanyplugs to Computers & Internet (1 answer total)
Outlook does this for me just fine.

Go to Tools -> Options -> Mail Format, and check that you have Word as the email editor. That should work for you.
posted by SuperSquirrel at 6:27 PM on July 20, 2006

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