Recommend a travel stroller for a toddler and kid?
March 21, 2025 2:39 PM   Subscribe

Can you suggest a travel stroller that will comfortably carry a toddler (age 4, 35lbs / 16kg), and ideally allows occasional rides for a little kid (age 7, 55lbs / 25kg)? Also need to be able to easily schlepp it on planes and taxis.
posted by vanilla.extract to Travel & Transportation (4 answers total)
I’ve seen a number of tourists using the Pockit Air stroller for travel purposes. Folds up small enough to fit in a backpack (and various people make cheap backpacks specifically for it).

…I’m however not sure if I’ve seen an older kid in one so I can’t speak to the 7yr old angle.
posted by aramaic at 3:31 PM on March 21

Response by poster: Oh I should have been more clear, I'm hoping for a skateboard type attachment for the older kid, who will be happy to stand for a ride when tired.
posted by vanilla.extract at 4:19 PM on March 21

My kids are those ages and we live in cities (and go on city holidays) — we haven’t used a strollers as since they were 3+ as the teachers really frown on it, really bad for core muscles, and kids age 4 should not be using strollers unless they have disabilities. We have lots of breaks when needed.

We do bring around the Micro Maxi Scooter for the younger one when she needs it.
posted by moiraine at 1:12 AM on March 22

What's your budget (are we talking UPPAbaby or Cosco here?) and do you want tandem or side-by-side (guessing tandem with a rider board attachment?)?

Maybe look at the Joovy Caboose line? I'm seeing sit and stands which can hold up to 90lbs which yes, is your weight limit but also seems to be a general weight limit for this kind of stroller when light enough for travel.

The Chicco Bravofor2 has better reviews (and vibes), but it has a warning that using it with two children over 40 lbs causes excessive wear and tear. You're right at the limit with your youngest.

Honestly, I'd suggest that you consider a wagon for your use case (except if you're going to Disney!). They have much higher weight limits and while they're not super lightweight, they seem pretty easy to assemble. Worth taking a look at the Delta Children City Wagon Cruiser, or the Keenz line (they have some 'big kids' style seating but with way more seats than you need).
posted by librarylis at 4:09 PM on March 22

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