Recommendations needed for a back brace
March 7, 2025 7:44 AM   Subscribe

I’ve got a 30 pound toddler who is 18 months old and going through a very clingy phase. My back can’t handle it anymore and I need recommendations for some kind of solution.

Is there anything I can wear underneath my clothes as I go about my day with him for extra support? When I look online, most back braces seem to be aimed at people who are lifting things in front of them, or else for lower back pain. I’m dealing with something heavy pulling on my side all day.

I’m not looking for exercise or stretching advice, I already have that covered, thanks!
posted by BuddhaInABucket to Health & Fitness (4 answers total)
Have you considered a toddler carrier that goes from 25 pounds to 60 pounds? Tula can do front carry and back carry.
posted by ichimunki at 7:50 AM on March 7 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: I have front and side carriers, and I don’t find them useful. My kiddo wants up and down frequently, and often when I’m not expecting it. He’s also, even when he’s not being held, very wiggly. I’m also his jungle gym. I need an always-on back brace.
posted by BuddhaInABucket at 8:05 AM on March 7

In the past when I dealt with lumbar back issues I found that routine back braces actually provided support through stability that helped even with lateral and twisting motions (where I had the most acute sudden pain when I would move "wrong"). So anything might help. That said there are wrap style braces specifically designed for lateral movement stability such as this one. Keywords to search are just that. Lateral support brace etc.
posted by chasles at 8:42 AM on March 7

I sympathize. I have two kids, 3 and 5, and I’m still often carrying the 3yo. I don’t have back brace recommendations, but on the kid carrying front, I used a Tushbaby for a year or so and really appreciated it. If I was just at home cooking or whatever, and wasn’t holding a kid, I would rotate the seat to be above my butt so it was out of my way. Then when she wanted up, I’d rotate it back to where I needed it and load her up.
posted by samthemander at 9:44 AM on March 7 [2 favorites]

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