Who is working to de-radicalize a nation?
February 17, 2025 6:55 PM   Subscribe

As difficult as it may be to believe, according to the polls, Americans are happy with Trump. And until the people who voted for him are disillusioned, nothing is going to improve, no matter how many protests there are or how many people who didn't vote for them call their representatives. . So, who is working to build media-literacy, to connect and persuade etc. etc. How can people support those efforts?

I am thinking about things like:

1. Supporting former Magas in sharing their stories, their reasoning, their learning, etc. with their family and friends.

2. Identifying content creators producing content that will speak to this audience and gaming the algorithms to get the content in front of them.

3. People like this guy, reaching out in a non-insulting way and opening a door and inviting people to rethink their views without shaming them and making them get defensive and shut down.

4. Anyone publishing things that will help people rethink things in conservative venues where Maga-types are likely to see it.

5. This might not be a thing, but going semi-undercover in places where Maga-ites congregate and planting seeds of doubt. I don't mean alt-right militias, I mean churches, bars, workplaces, subreddits, etc.

I feel like a lot of this needs to be done by insiders or fomer insiders. How can those of us who are not those insiders support any efforts like this?
posted by If only I had a penguin... to Grab Bag (15 answers total) 28 users marked this as a favorite
until the people who voted for him are disillusioned, nothing is going to improve

I have to disagree with this premise. Every instance of progress that I can think of - women's suffrage, civil rights, gay rights, etc - came about only because an underdog minority group fought for their rights against a majority that wanted to keep the status quo.

The change in the majority opinion comes much later. It is a follower of change, not a precursor.

The path forward is to support, amplify, and stand in solidarity with the groups that are most vulnerable right now - immigrants, trans people, programs and people whose federal funding is being threatened.
posted by splitpeasoup at 8:08 PM on February 17 [32 favorites]

The change in the majority opinion comes much later.

unfortunately we're out of time. we have to answer the question above soon AS WELL AS supporting the vulnerable.
posted by lalochezia at 8:15 PM on February 17 [3 favorites]

Democratic Socialists of America is doing a lot of great work in organizing to resist against Trump, protect those most at risk from the administration, and trying to build a better world for working people so that they don't fall into the MAGA hole to begin with. "Socialism beats fascism".
posted by windbox at 8:25 PM on February 17 [6 favorites]

Coming at it from a slightly different angle, I think supporting independent news organizations on both a national (e.g. Pro Publica) and local scale might be the best way to donate money for the goals you lay out. I think relational organizing can do some of the more intensive deprogramming-style interactions that you're imagining, but I'd be very skeptical of anyone claiming they're doing that effectively in a social-media type environment.

A free press--an actual free press, not newspapers that are allowed to exist because they occasionally amuse their plutocrat owners--can do a lot to help people connect the dots about the actual causes of the problems they see in their lives, especially reporting at the local and state level.
posted by Why Is The World In Love Again? at 8:29 PM on February 17 [17 favorites]

One of my current favorite YouTubers, Dead Domain, made an amazing full length documentary video about deradicalization. It’s called RETURN: Former White Supremacists Talk About How They Left Hate Behind. Your question immediately brought it to my mind. I think you might find some solace and strength in watching it, and even some leads on how to do your own part of this battle. It is not uplifting and goes into detail why this is such a difficult task, in particular why it is ill suited to organizations and how it is a lot about a combination of luck and consistency. But it certainly made me feel like I could better spot opportunities to speak up and support people who might be unaware they are doing the work, or make space for the work to happen, even if I’m not likely to be the individual doing the direct interfacing.

In a more general sense something I have been trying hard to keep in mind is that a lot of this is a numbers game, and pitching in on foundational society building things really will help prevent new people from radicalizing, even if we don’t see it. Anything you do to help create stability or a softer landing for those in need will help those people to become the people who can infiltrate and reach out like you describe. Food banks, VA shelters, safe injection sites, housing first initiatives, school program expansion, the list goes on. There’s also stuff like information communication, clarity and fact checking, literacy advocacy groups, library access programs… I have to remind myself, and I am reminding you now, it all adds up.
posted by Mizu at 1:23 AM on February 18 [14 favorites]

I have to disagree with this premise

I don't want to speak for the OP but I'd say this isn't the time to try to figure out the one true effective method. It's the time to try a lot of things from a lot of directions. This question is about one direction out of many.
posted by trig at 1:35 AM on February 18 [27 favorites]

who is working to build media-literacy, to connect and persuade etc

Gary Stevenson for one.

Elon Musk is actually a pretty good crack in the MAGA outer casing into which to insert the spudger. Get your cap and Carhartt on, go visit your local Nazi bar and see if Just Asking Questions is enough to get them punching each other in the face over whether or not Elon is disrespecting TFG by treating him like Oval Office daycare staff.
posted by flabdablet at 3:56 AM on February 18 [1 favorite]

Gary Stevenson is amazing. His book, The Trading Game, is unputdownable imo.
posted by Grunyon at 5:21 AM on February 18

If it helps, Trump’s approval ratings are in fact underwater. Sure, they should be lower, but remember that this is an electorate that googled “did joe biden drop out” on Election Day. Constant and visible fuckups will serve as the thin end of the wedge, as will Elon Musk. Ask who made him the First Lady. Talk about what pieces of shit his cars are—who trusts a man who builds a car like that?
posted by Countess Elena at 9:56 AM on February 18 [3 favorites]

Americans are happy with Trump.

Absolutely untrue. Some are, but many, many are not.
posted by Dolley at 10:39 AM on February 18 [5 favorites]

Tangle News
"Political news is broken. We’re fixing it. We're a non-partisan politics newsletter that gives you a 360-degree view on the news. No spin. No clickbait. Opinions from the left, right, and center so you can decide."

This American life had a story about a couple from opposite sides finding common ground through reading the newsletter together.
posted by ljesse at 10:57 AM on February 18 [2 favorites]

semi-undercover in places where Maga-ites congregate and planting seeds of doubt

Like calling Republican congress people under the guise of being a constituent and complaining about Elon's drug use? If there's anything I know about super conservative voters it's that they hate recreational drug use. Playing on that could get a wedge in.
posted by fiercekitten at 12:48 PM on February 18 [3 favorites]

Insurgency tactics offer some interesting options in a situation like this. Basically, the population needs to lose confidence in the authority's ability to deliver what they want, whether it is stability, protection, cheaper eggs, whatever. Disruption can work both ways.
posted by rpfields at 2:46 PM on February 18

I was pacing around last night thinking about this very thing. rant incoming:

I’ve often joked that I’m pathologically empathetic — as fiction author, copywriter, & human in general. if I was equipped to use that power for evil, I’d do great in a faux news spin room. or creative directing a siberian propaganda bot colony. whatever.

but I am not, like most of the left. instead I’ve spent 8 years alternatively outraged & paralyzed & depressed & disassociated/nihilistic — watching our party botch messaging, infight, go high for handshakes while the right kicks us in the balls, over & over; cling to offices instead of stepping down, instead of proactively cultivating young political potential; fail to keep up with tidal waves of tech & apply strong social media/propaganda safeguards when we had the chance (fuck I am so mad at that!). while in the meantime, the right + actual enemy infiltrators used every tool possible to indoctrinate & radicalize americans, old and young. and/or, to push on our own weaknesses — like the two evils narrative, the appeal of a protest vote, etc.

whenever people say “I just don’t understand, how could someone believe… ,” I’m like: they do not see the world you see. they see different news, different ads, different social media posts. we are all subject to manipulation & propaganda, of course, but the right-wing unreal world has been carefully & systematically crafted by a party unafraid to use empathy (I don’t want to call it that, but I guess that’s what it is) for _ _ _ _.

with so much creativity and intelligence and actual empathy on our side, why the hell haven’t we broken through? why can’t we? why don’t we? how do we start?

where should I apply?
posted by changeling at 4:42 PM on February 18 [7 favorites]

There are organizations filing Freedom of Information requests, filing lawsuits to stop the mass unconstitutional actions, and more. In Maine, our Attorney General is joining lawsuits. You can donate to organizations doing good work, and call to praise legislators and others doing what's right.

My town has a wingnut community board on fb. Several of us post true stuff, the wingnuts get wild, but there's an increasing trend of calm, thoughtful people posting, so I think the friends, families, and co-workers of the horribles are being reached. When people use citations and post true stuff, we favorite and comment positively. I'm retired, it's worth a little bit of my time. I also re-post the best memes I see, and lots of people re-post them. If it makes a tiny difference, good. I re-post ungated articles from various places. I've learned how very few people read or watch or listen to much real news.

I recommend joining your local Indivisible group, go to protests, writes letters to the editor, use the 5calls app to call legislators. I seldom view videos, but many people do, so finding short video clips for tiktok is probably a decent idea.
posted by theora55 at 8:21 PM on February 18 [3 favorites]

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