Seeking radio/podcast episode - serial killer, coming out, and boots
February 8, 2025 3:02 PM   Subscribe

Sometime in the last 3-4 years, I heard the end of a podcast/This American Life/Moth-type story, and I'd like to listen to the whole thing. It turned out to be a coming out story, but it was built around the storyteller crossing paths with a serial killer.

The storyteller was a man, and it was about his journey coming out. Before (?) he came out, he would go to a bar (in Chicago?) and saw gay men there he wanted to emulate. Specifically he liked the boots one guy wore, and he bought his own pair just like them.

Years later he saw a news story and learned the guy with the boots was a serial killer (Dahmer?) and he threw the boots out. I've searched but all I'm getting is page upon page of true crime results.
posted by cocoagirl to Media & Arts (2 answers total)
Best answer: Yep, it's Dahmer and it's a Moth episode from Jackson, WY. The storyteller is Terrance Flynn. Here's a Spotify link. (I somehow couldn't get it to play from the Moth's website.)
posted by BlahLaLa at 3:06 PM on February 8

Response by poster: In 4 minutes - yay, thanks! Here's a good link for where to play it. The Spotify link wouldn't work for me for some reason.
posted by cocoagirl at 3:24 PM on February 8 [1 favorite]

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