Ukraine donation?
January 25, 2025 10:05 PM   Subscribe

I am thinking of donating to help Ukraine. Is it too late for them to win the war? Either way, do you have any suggestions?
posted by NotLost to Grab Bag (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
It's a hard time, but it's not too late. I can vouch for actually helping.
posted by samj at 12:41 AM on January 26 [1 favorite]

It is probably too late for Ukraine to recover the Crimea or much of Donbas. Russian forces are on lines that are going to be very hard to displace, even if NATO had the appetite for the support that would make that displacement possible - which it doesn't.

That said, it is not too late for Ukraine to get some significant concessions, including the handover of meaningful non-Russian-ethnic-majority territory now held by Russians, reinstatement of Ukranians' property rights in what will be ceded to Russia, and good trade and travel terms.
posted by MattD at 9:52 AM on January 28

[I]t is not too late for Ukraine to get some significant concessions, including the handover of meaningful non-Russian-ethnic-majority territory now held by Russians, reinstatement of Ukranians' property rights in what will be ceded to Russia, and good trade and travel terms.

How do you conclude that? There are so many factions in Trumplandia sympathetic to Russia, I have a lot of fears Trump & Co. will not do the right thing, barring, say, greed for Ukraine's rare earths overtaking them.
posted by Violet Blue at 10:07 PM on January 30

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