2 German films and a pop song
December 24, 2024 4:10 PM   Subscribe

There are two German films and a pop song which rattle around my brain a long time, and I now finally broke down and decided to find them. I think the films I saw before the internet on TV:

1st film: A young man and a woman in their twenties meet on a train and start flirting, the man is kind of a drifter. Woman gets of the train, the guy decides on a whim to also get off and follow her, but looses her. He ends up in a seedy bar, and there she is! But there is the local alpha male and they engage in a psychological battle of dominance game of trying to pick her up, near the end she goes outside with the local alpha to fornicate, I guess to mess with the drifter because he was kind of adversarial.

2nd film: A group of very dysfunctional youths decide to spend a last weekend together after finishing high school and going their separate ways. During the course of their stay the ex boyfriend of one girl gifts her a remote controlled vibrator undies? And the clown of the group rapes the other girl, and is killed by the rest of them. Last scene is a voice over how nonetheless they want to keep him in good memory and bury him with honors, but in reality they just dump his body in the woods.

The song had a video, a girl in a flowery dress playing a banjo sits on a stool in an empty bar. It's a duett with a male singer. The colors are washed out and there are disco lights or fake snow swirling around her, she sings the refrain. It's some kind of light pop song. This was with internet but I guesc15 years ago?
posted by SweetLiesOfBokonon to Media & Arts (1 answer total)
Mod note: Fixed post spacing
posted by loup (staff) at 5:27 PM on December 24, 2024

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