Great examples of print newsletters?
November 1, 2024 8:07 AM   Subscribe

My library sends an annual newsletter out to local residents. I'd like to update its look a bit, and am searching for examples of great, brief PRINT newsletters. If you have suggestions for a library-related name for the newsletter, please drop them here.

I know I can look at any number of newsletters on the internet, but I am looking for (.pdfs of?) model newsletters that allow me to visually divide events (fundraisers, programs, etc.) over a four-page spread using one ink color.

The newsletter is our primary way of communicating with the community, but it hasn't been refreshed for a while. I'd like it to be friendly and warm, and compatible with the theme of “Color Our World.” I'd like to see examples of a print piece done well along these lines. What can you suggest?

Also, the newsletter's name leaves a lot to be desired. Library-appropriate suggestions welcome!
posted by MonkeyToes to Media & Arts (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
“Check This Out!”
posted by GenjiandProust at 12:17 PM on November 1, 2024 [2 favorites]

It seems like all the small-to-medium libraries are doing this in Canva now. Here's their newsletter template page.

Re: names, I have an unsubstantiated theory that our tendency to give everything cute names confuses library patrons, who cannot possibly remember all of our branded programs AND our database/ebook vendors AND the weird acronym we made up for our OPAC back in 1998.

So my vote is to call it "MonkeyToes' Public Library Annual Newsletter" or "Annual Update" or something. The only exception is if your library or service area has a very strong sense of identity, in which case it is probably okay to choose a catchy name related to your library mascot/local landmark/town name/etc.
posted by toastedcheese at 6:25 AM on November 2, 2024

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