Online Directory + CRM
October 19, 2024 11:26 AM   Subscribe

Is there an un-bloated, user-friendly, admin-friendly online directory (that connects to a CRM}?

I want to set up a publicly-viewable online professional business directory. Something that people can search, sort, and filter. With tags. Something that can show a list or a map. Nice to have: search results are dynamic and display instantly.

I'd also like it to connect to a CRM so I can keep track of the businesses that are listed and communications with them.

The ideal user interface would be Craigslist, but that's the wrong scale. I have some basic tech skills but am not a software developer or system administrator. The scale is "this could almost be plain HTML, but I want to have scalability and ability to search if it grows." I'd like to find something that is simple to use and maintain, and also friendly and non-laggy for people visiting the site. I want to adhere to modern accessibility standards.
posted by Mirth to Computers & Internet (4 answers total)
I am not sure why you are asking for a CRM and not just a directory. (Your example, Craigslist is a directory, for example.) Can you clarify so you can hopefully get useful answers?
posted by DarlingBri at 12:56 PM on October 19 [1 favorite]

Your mileage may vary on user-friendly and admin-friendly (I think it's both, but it can be kind of subjective), but I have built professional directories in Drupal, and it integrates well with one of the best CRMs, CiviCRM.
posted by kristi at 6:05 PM on October 19 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: I am asking for a directory that integrates with a CRM because customers will pay for inclusion in the public directory, and I would like to be able to do simple management of those relationships (and relationships with prospective customers) without duplicating any work.
posted by Mirth at 6:32 PM on October 19

Wordpress with Web 2.0 Directory plugin. Not sure about CRM integration, but there's likely plugins for that.
posted by Sophont at 10:23 PM on October 19

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