This-to-That Filter
October 16, 2024 11:18 AM   Subscribe

I have posterboard circles and I want to glue stuff to the back. I've done it before but I forget what glue I used.

I'm DIYing a couple political pins/fridge magnets from posterboard and I'm not sure what glue is best. The pin backs are metal and the magnets are those thin flexible ones that can be cut with scissors. So one part is porous and the other is not. I have: Elmers White PVC Glue, Contact Cement, SuperGlue and a Hot Glue Gun. Will any of these work? Hoping to avoid a trip to the hardware store.
posted by TWinbrook8 to Grab Bag (2 answers total)
Best answer: The Elmers PVA will be fine.
posted by janell at 11:24 AM on October 16

Just put a brick or a cookbook on top while it sets up.
posted by janell at 11:26 AM on October 16

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