Why would I get a hold mail form for someone I don't know?
October 16, 2024 8:22 AM   Subscribe

USPS hold mail form appeared in my mailbox with someone else's name on it. Should I be concerned? Should I let it be filed?

I've lived in my house for about 3 years. Today, a yellow USPS hold mail form appeared in the mailbox with a single name on it ("Inez") that doesn't correspond with anyone who lives here or any mail I've ever seen come in. The hold mail form said that they'll collect the mail from the post office. The start date is also listed as a week ago (?)

The simplest explanation I can come up with is that someone erroneously put our address on something and they're hoping to intercept the letter, which is fine. It's just odd. Can anyone think of a mechanism by which this would be a scam? I took the form in for now so our mail carrier won't pick it up - should I put it back out?

Another possibility - the unit next to ours has been unrented for some time, perhaps someone is moving in there and this is related to that and they listed the wrong street number?
posted by mosst to Grab Bag (5 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Response by poster: Actually, on further read, the form states that they'll hold mail for all residents at this address - so no, I guess I won't be filing it. I guess that still begs the question - what could be going on here?
posted by mosst at 8:23 AM on October 16

Hmm, I don't know how likely it is to be a scam, but one potential issue could be that someone is trying to get mail in their name at your address to verify something they shouldn't be able to verify. So they might be trying to demonstrate supposed residency at your address (verified with mail in their name to that address) so they can apply for something that requires a home address (bank account, credit card, other financial account). Or they might already have applied for a credit card and listed your address. Or maybe they ordered an item with stolen card data or similar and sent it to your address so theirs wasn't associated.

In these scenarios, not sure what their plan would be for validating their identity when they go to pick up the letter or package from the post office, though. And overall, again, how likely those things are, I can't say! Seems pretty weird, though.
posted by limeonaire at 8:28 AM on October 16 [4 favorites]

I believe the yellow form is put in your box when a hold mail order is in place to remind your carrier not to deliver mail to you. It is definitely worth a call or visit to your local Post Office (the one that has your zip code)to check on this.
posted by hydropsyche at 8:33 AM on October 16 [7 favorites]

You can also phone them at the local office and I've found them to be helpful. Get the number from USPS on their website, obviously.
posted by How much is that froggie in the window at 9:50 AM on October 16

That’s a pretty involved scam (they would have to come up with an ID to pick up your mail) but it does happen.

I would definitely ask the local post office where the hold came from. Mail carriers have been known to place holds if they consider it dangerous to deliver to the address.
posted by Tell Me No Lies at 11:01 AM on October 16 [1 favorite]

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