Transcribing from video on webpage
October 2, 2024 10:09 AM   Subscribe

Does anyone know of a way to transcribe directly from playing an online video? This would be a video embedded on a webpage. The transcription services I have looked into seem to want you to have a file to use. I am not able to download the file (for other reasons than technical, the video is not on youtube). So ideally I am looking for a service that would be able to allow me to play the video online and transcribe from that stream. I wouldn't be averse to recording the audio to a file first, if that is the only option. This is using Apple devices.
posted by nanook to Computers & Internet (8 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Response by poster: I am not able to download the file (for other reasons than technical, the video is not on youtube).

Apologies, this is unclear. I just wanted to circumvent answers that suggest that there is a technical way to download the video. For other reasons, I am not able to do that.
posted by nanook at 10:11 AM on October 2

The simplest, though probably least accurate, solution is to just use a phone app like Otter or something and hold it up to your computer speakers.

If that doesn't have sufficient fidelity you might need to look into recording the sound directly to a file on the computer.
posted by BungaDunga at 10:20 AM on October 2

Otter is for online meetings, but might work for your situation.
posted by brook horse at 10:20 AM on October 2

MacWhisper Pro can transcribe from system audio. I have not tested this feature but in general MacWhisper has been very useful for me, so I'd say there's a good chance it'll work for you.

This is a fully local solution; nothing ever leaves your computer. It is also based on an OpenAI transformer project; if you have moral objections to generative AI this may not be right for you. Finally, it's not free.
posted by Bryant at 10:23 AM on October 2 [1 favorite]

Audio Hijack from Rogue Amoeba can transcribe audio playing from a particular system source.
posted by neilbert at 11:21 AM on October 2 [5 favorites]

The video file exists at a URL somewhere. If you are able to give the transcribing service a URL rather than a file upload, there's a decent chance it will work (but the site hosting the video might block outside GET requests). It is possible to sniff out the URL of an embedded video using the Web Inspector in Safari (command-option-i).
posted by adamrice at 11:55 AM on October 2

You didn't mention Windows, Apple or Linux, but the app Dark Audacity allows the capture of whatever is coming out of your speakers to an MP3 file which could then be uploaded to the transcription service (I assume?).

Now the setup for Dark Audacity to capture to the file is NOT dead easy but it is forgiving. Basically you start the app, hit the Record (red dot) button... the app is smart enough to know you are not playing anything. Then you hit Play on your Web browser or whatever, and then you will see "wave forms" scrolling horizontally which shows the app is capturing what it is "hearing". You click the stop (square) button. You can then use the play button to preview what you've got. If you've got extra at the beginning or the end then click and drag to select each creating a highlighted segment, and hit your Delete key to chop off noise or unwanted audio. Finally use File - Export to create the MP3.
posted by forthright at 1:03 PM on October 2 [1 favorite]

APOLOGIES: you did say Mac Environment, sorry!
posted by forthright at 1:14 PM on October 2

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