Are there any replacements for Google Maps Timeline?
September 16, 2024 5:07 PM   Subscribe

I've used the Google Maps Timeline feature, mostly for work, for 6 years now and it's been invaluable. Now it is inscrutable. Are there any reasonably trustworthy apps that do the same thing: track one's times, travels, and locations? I have both ecosystems.

I travel a lot by car for work.

For over 6 years GM Timeline worked well enough to be relied upon and not have to make manual notes about what time I got somewhere, how long I was on the road, how long I was on a customer site, how long my lunchbreak was, and what time I got home, etc. I didn't have to log anything manually. When it came time to turn in times for billing a customer, or 2 weeks worth of travels for my employment timesheet, I could go through my GMT and get that information easily enough and accurately enough. It was fine.

Today I attempted to fill out my 2-week timesheet and GMT is an unmitigated congeries of shambles. Completely inaccurate, utterly unreliable. It has me driving inside my house for 16 hours, going places I haven't remotely been, traveling overland in significant excess of mach one, and just generally being a total pile-of-shit app. I have both Android and Apple phones and both of them are full of garbage data, and before you wonder, no, they do not concur, or when they do the overlap of concurrence is so small as to be obviously random luck.

As a minor note, I do not especially think this is strictly to do with the change made earlier in the year where GMT data no longer exists outside of the device itself (allegedly). Although the quality of mine did degrade with the switch, it's only very recently that it seems to have to turned into mostly garbage data.

Before I give up and start paper-logging my travels, I want to at least ask: Are there any other decent apps out there that do the same thing automatically? Either iOS or Android is fine.
posted by glonous keming to Technology 3 users marked this as a favorite
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