Set the Wayback Machine, Sherman, to 'Blog Names'
September 1, 2024 7:55 PM   Subscribe

There once was a blog, back in the early blog years, that I think was called "Photo Junkie". It was one of the first blogs I found that primarily posted images. Does that name sound right? And does anyone know what happened to it?
posted by TimHare to Computers & Internet (1 answer total)
Best answer: That’s the photoblog of Rannie Turingan, Toronto-based photographer. It looks like his blog went the way of most photoblogs (including mine) and just disappeared, and hasn’t uploaded anything to Flickr since 2014. Looks like he’s active on Instagram on his personal account but not on the photojunkie account.
posted by photovox at 9:33 PM on September 1 [1 favorite]

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