Why isn't the Location showing up on my Google Drive files?
August 26, 2024 12:10 PM   Subscribe

When I try to see the location of some Google docs, I click on File>Details. Under Location I see '--". Why is that? I'm trying to find out where these files are, and this is frustrating. Help!
posted by storybored to Computers & Internet (1 answer total)
There may be other reasons for this, but I think the most likely is that the file has been shared with you (as an individual file, rather than as part of a shared drive or folder). So you can't see the location of the file, because the location is in someone else's Drive. It might be more useful to find the file in Drive and then you will be able to see the file's owner.
posted by ssg at 4:25 PM on August 26 [1 favorite]

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