Looking for sandal suggestions for picky, banged up Canadian feet
August 26, 2024 8:32 AM   Subscribe

I’ve been wearing Finn Comfort sandals for years. They used to last me so long I’d need to take them in for repairs a couple times. I’ve had my latest pair since February, and the heel is so worn down they’re unwearable. I’m looking for new brand suggestions and also help on potentially getting a refund or something?

I’ve shattered both heelbones and had five reconstructive surgeries, so my feet are pretty delicate and picky. The Finn Comfort Sylt soft is the most comfortable footwear I’ve ever worn, and it allows me to walk and stand for longer than anything else.

I supinate pretty heavily, so I quickly wear down the outside of the heel on any shoe I wear. Still, these ones used to last much longer than this. When I feel the soles of my old ones, they feel much firmer than the new ones, which are pretty spongy.

I need a sandal that has a strap around the back of my foot, and I strongly prefer natural materials. Higher heel than toe is good for me (but not like an actual heel). I found the cork sole that molded to my foot more comfortable than my orthotics.

I’ve tried classic Birkenstocks and am not a fan, although it’s possible I chose a size too big. I’m interested in barefoot shoes for the wide toe box, but hesitant about the lack of padding. I need a decent amount of padding around the metatarsal area. I need something that is available in Canada.

I’m also wondering if anyone has tips for how to approach the company to potentially get a refund or free pair, or even just find out what’s going on and why they suck now - or if these are even things I can hope for. Thanks!
posted by wheatlets to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (9 answers total)
My metatarsals are fucked, I supinate, and I really like the Teva sandals. The outsole is rubber and long wearing. The insole has a little give, enough to make my mt's not mad. I got mine at MEC but they're not carried any more, which sucks. SportChek does carry them though. You probably have one nearby so go in and try them out.
posted by seanmpuckett at 9:24 AM on August 26


I purchased a pair of [style] on [date] in order number [number]. I have purchased this exact type of Finn Comfort sandal [x] times over the past [y] years, and continue to return to the brand for quality and comfort.

Unfortunately, the pair I ordered in February has already worn out on the heel. Which is especially impressive as I live in Canada and have only really had [z] months of use out of these. I haven't experienced this kind of rapid degradation on any of my other previous pairs of sandals, and I am so disappointed! I rely on these shoes to meet my orthopedic needs and these have failed.

Has something changed in the manufacturing process or quality control at Finn? Is this level of quality something I should expect from any subsequent shoe purchases going forward? I spent [dollars] on this pair of shoes I expected to last until [length of time] and not having this work out has left me distressed.

Very appreciative for any support or insight you can provide.

posted by phunniemee at 9:41 AM on August 26 [6 favorites]

You might try the brands Softwalk or SAS. Softwalk has particularly squishy soles. SAS makes shoes in a variety of widths. I have very picky feet too (hobbit shape, bunions, hallux rigidus, wide toes, average heel) and these brands work for me.

You might also try Alegria? They're more Birkenstock like but different.

I also wonder if it would be worth taking them to a cobbler to see if they can resole them, even a new pair? It also wouldn't hurt to ask the company for a refund or a new pair. It benefits them to learn about quality issues.
posted by purple_bird at 10:10 AM on August 26

I hope you can get your sandals replaced by the manufacturer.

If you get a new pair, I would recommend taking them to a cobbler and getting heel taps or heel guards put on them when still new.
posted by needled at 10:21 AM on August 26

Response by poster: seanmpuckett - is there a particular style you like best?
posted by wheatlets at 11:26 AM on August 26

Response by poster: phunniemee - thanks, I’ll give that a shot.

I notice that when I go to their contact page, there’s a form to contact them as well as an email listed - contact@ kanner.com. When I go to kanner.com, though, there’s nothing there… does that mean the form won’t work, or might it still go through?
posted by wheatlets at 11:36 AM on August 26

The Teva I have is the XLT2 Hurricane, which was on sale at the time. These have a thicker rubber outsole than the base Teva sandal, and the insole is contoured with a bit of arch support. The straps are somewhat padded and all three completely adjustable with velcro (toe, arch and heel) so you can get the right fit, which will take some fooling around. I discovered if I loosen the arch strap to remove my foot (rather than the heel strap) it's much easier to get the fit correct when putting them back on.

Also for what it's worth I wear mine with my hallux valgus orthotics which fit between my toes and there's no conflict.
posted by seanmpuckett at 12:09 PM on August 26

I suggest an actual letter, handwritten. This is far harder to ignore than email, which in my experience rarely receives a reply anymore. Also it has a chance of being seen by an actual person instead of some intern’s “workflow.”

My general theory regarding this is one I developed personally after becoming an old guy: companies nowadays kind of suck.

Good luck. The suggested wording posted was excellent.
posted by Gilgamesh's Chauffeur at 12:20 PM on August 26 [1 favorite]

I have inflammatory arthritis; feet have lots of joints to be cranky about. My feet are a bit wide, too. Tevas and Keens are comfortable and wear well. They are flexible and have decent cushion. I have smallish feet and can wear Big Kids'sizes, which run wide. The rubber toe on my Keen rafting sandals (H20?) is a big help on unpaved walking paths. I have done well with Born, too.
posted by theora55 at 2:05 PM on August 27 [1 favorite]

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