Wireless DSL Question, Take Two
August 21, 2024 4:31 PM   Subscribe

The wireless dsl router I bought in 2012 (with a little help from my MeFi friends) died two nights ago, leaving cell phoneless me without any internet access. (I'm posting this at the library.) I'm not well versed in computer stuff. Can someone help me pick out a new one, preferably one that is both as inexpensive, and will ship to my Toronto address as quickly, as possible?
posted by orange swan to Computers & Internet (18 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
Response by poster: I went to Best Buy last night, stressed to the sales associate that I needed something that was both a router AND a modem, and bought a $140 thingamajig that the sales associate assured me would work. I got it home... and it turned out it was just a router. I can take it back, but don't want to spend any more time and energy buying things that won't do the job.

I'm open to buying something in person in a Toronto-area store, but I do need to be sure that I'm buying the right thing.
posted by orange swan at 4:39 PM on August 21

We probably need a little more info to help you make the right choice here.

- What did you have that died? From the thread you linked to, I assume it was this ActionTec one, but let us know just to confirm.
- Are you looking for something as cheap as possible again, or are you open to spending a little more money this time? I ask because 12 years later, I think you might struggle to hit the same price point you hit in 2012.
- Who is your service provider? Have you checked with them to see if they have a list of devices or manufacturers you can choose from that are compatible with their service? That might help you narrow your choices a bit.
posted by pdb at 5:23 PM on August 21 [3 favorites]

Most thrift stores near me have a plethora of router/modem units for local ISP’s.
You might find the same. You would have to find a similar unit, and the wall wart power supply. Make sure it turns on before buying it.

Then you will need to reset it, usually by pushing a button on the back while plugging it in to power on. Then you can hook your home computer to it, access the web control panel, and by calling your ISP, get the user/password info, and any specific DSL settings into it.
posted by nickggully at 7:25 PM on August 21

I have this Netgear Nighthawk router that I no longer need and would like to get rid of. It works perfectly well. If you pay for shipping (from California), I will send it to you as soon as tomorrow.
posted by Dr. Wu at 8:04 PM on August 21 [2 favorites]

What type of network are you connecting to? Is it still ADSL?

If so, you can just get the same one again from Amazon.

...for the love of god, double and triple-check my link. It LOOKS like the same one, but hell if I know (I haven't had DSL in years now so I'm out of date on it).
posted by aramaic at 8:20 PM on August 21

Dr. Wu, that's very generous, but it's pretty clear that the OP has DSL service coming in and need a DSL modem that also serves as a wireless router. That Netgear you offered is just a router, that requires a separate modem (I have one too). Netgear is great (still?! what?!) but I don't think they make DSL routers anymore, just cable (coax).
posted by intermod at 8:44 PM on August 21 [1 favorite]

I might have one you can use. I changed from DSL to cable last year and I think I still have the old modem and the router I was using with DSL. I will check when I get home and reach out to let you know the model number to see if it will work for you.
posted by jacquilynne at 5:52 AM on August 22 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: Yes, I bought the ActionTec one last time, and it served me well for nearly 12 years. Of course I realize that buying an equivalent unit will cost more a dozen years later.

My service provider is Primus.

I checked the thrift shop near me last night on my way home after rereading my previous thread. It was a large Value Village, one of the best thrift shops in the city, and it didn't have any routers or modems.

Thank you very much for the kind offer, Dr. Wu, but yes, I do need a wireless DSL modem/router specifically.

I've only been able to find one ActionTec unit actually for sale on Amazon, and it's a used one that's priced at $147 plus shipping. Hoping to do a bit better than that!
posted by orange swan at 8:25 AM on August 22

it's a used one that's priced at $147 plus shipping.

Hmm, perhaps that's an amazon.com vs. amazon.ca thing?

I (US person) am turning up new ones for $140 with free shipping that'll arrive late next week. Not very many, so they're probably "new old stock" but still... used ones should be more like $30 (eBay has them).
posted by aramaic at 8:45 AM on August 22

Have you considered Kijiji? A search there shows a bunch of them generally in your profile location's.. location, including a couple that are listed as the ones Primus supports (and/or provides?). Like this one.

I did find this TP-Link wireless router and modem on Amazon.ca for CA$68. TP-Link is generally a good brand. (Personal caveat: I haven't had regular DSL in a very long time so not up on compatibility but some cursory googling indicates it should work.)
posted by mrg at 8:51 AM on August 22

Response by poster: The one you linked to has a delivery date of September 13 to October 7th, mrg. I need a unit ASAP.
posted by orange swan at 9:01 AM on August 22

Response by poster: This Netis unit looks like maybe my best option on Amazon.ca: it's $74 with shipping, and delivers on August 26th. Can anyone tell me if it will work for me, technically speaking?
posted by orange swan at 9:30 AM on August 22

Since Primus is a Bell sub-brand, would it be possible to pay a quick visit to a Bell store and see what they can do for you? Admittedly Bell's website seems to be pushing fibre internet (Fibe) and I didn't see any DSL offerings up front, but surely they still have a considerable DSL customer base, as I'd expect not everyone in Toronto has switched over to fibre, or is even able to if they haven't even put fibre in every neighbourhood yet). With any luck they'd have the right equipment on hand and you could be walking out the door with it. They might also be able to fill you in on the process of terminating your Primus contract before activating a Bell one, since (unlike changing your cellphone provider) the customer is handle that part of it (which the CRTC is trying to change, with the big ISPs being solidly opposed).

But... shouldn't Primus be the ones supplying you with a working modem/wireless router? I'm been with Telus in Edmonton since 2000 and am now on my fourth modem that they sent me or I picked up from them, usually as I upgraded my service (DSL to faster DSL to fibre). Sounds like you've been a loyal customer for the better part of two decades (or more?) and they never sent you a wireless router? They definitely need to be yelled at long and loud.

Sorry you're going through this. These days internet is a household utility not a luxury and you deserve better from these hacks.
posted by hangashore at 10:19 PM on August 22

Response by poster: I ordered the Netis Unit and it came today. I could not get an internet connection with it. I called Primus, and their tech guy tried everything he could think of and could not get it working. I took it to my computer guy and he first suggested I try getting online using Ethernet rather than WiFi, and when I called him from home saying I hadn't been able to do that, he said either the Netis unit wasn't compatible or was defective, so I should return it and call Primus to see if I could get a unit from them.

I then called Primus and asked them what options I had for getting a dsl wireless modem router from them, and their customer service rep said if I upgraded to a package that would give me a speed of 25 mbps rather than the 7 I was currently getting, and that would cost less than half of what I have been paying per month, I'd be provided with a dsl modem router which would arrive at my house in three or four days. I made the guy go over all these terms with me a few times to make sure I was hearing him right and there were no hidden charges or catches involved, then agreed to the new package.

I will be returning the Netis unit for a full refund.

So... the issue isn't resolved yet, and I have now had no internet access since about midnight on the nineteenth, but things are looking up.
posted by orange swan at 5:12 PM on August 26 [2 favorites]

Response by poster: The new unit should have arrived yesterday or today but has not, sigh. If I don't have it by tomorrow afternoon, I'll call Primus and see what's up.
posted by orange swan at 4:30 PM on August 30

Response by poster: Still haven't received the new unit. On August 31st I called Primus and the customer support guy assured me I'd get it within 48 hours. It didn't arrive. On September 3rd, I called Primus again, and was assured it would arrive by the end of the day. It didn't arrive. Today I called again, and the guy told me he was opening a ticket to send a second package to me, and that it would take "two or three days" longer. That could mean Friday or Saturday, and if he meant "two or three business days", that could be as late as Monday, two full weeks after I ordered it.

I am seriously pissy right now. Fucking Primus.
posted by orange swan at 10:33 AM on September 4 [2 favorites]

Bloody atrocious. Please accept my favo(u)rite in lieu of a pageful of 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
posted by hangashore at 8:55 PM on September 4

Response by poster: I finally got my internet connection back this morning.

The new unit arrived on September 8th, two full weeks after I initially ordered it. I spent the afternoon on the phone with a Primus technician trying to get it to work, and we could not get it working. I was then told I would get a phone call in two or three days setting up an appointment for a technician to come to the house. I received the phone call on Thursday, September 12th, setting the appointment for today.

The technician showed up today. He was actually a Bell technician. He tested my internet jack, and it turned out the problem was actually a connection issue that he visited the neighbourhood box to fix. Then my landline conked out, and he showed me his work order, which actually had a note on it saying he should disconnect it.(!!!!!!)

I said there had been no such arrangement on my end, and he went back out to the box and did some sort of fix to get my landline working again, and told me to call Primus and tell them what he had told me about his work order to make sure I didn't lose my landline service.

So, I spent four full weeks with no internet service, and it turned out that the problem was coming from outside the house all the time. My old modem/router probably is still working fine. I did get much cheaper and better package out of it, but even so, Primus is going to be getting a letter from me.
posted by orange swan at 11:02 AM on September 16

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