Moveable shelving
August 18, 2024 11:15 AM   Subscribe

Can you help me work out what the mechanism I want is called? I have an item, let's say it's a piano-keyboard, that I use sporadically. Instead of having it take up floor space I would like to store it near the ceiling height, perhaps over the sofa.

When it comes time to play, I can pull the shelf down into position, play a little and then release it up to the ceiling. Obviously it needs to be a little stable in the down position. It feels like something that must already be solved for compact living spaces. I would prefer a wall mounted rail system to a ceiling mounted pully system.
posted by J.R. Hartley to Home & Garden (8 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
1957-59 Ford Skyliners featured a retractable, or Hide-Away Hard-top.
posted by Rash at 11:45 AM on August 18, 2024

I think that something mounted to the wall, like a fold-down desk, would be more stable than a pulley-type thing coming down from the ceiling. The hard part is finding one that would fit a keyboard.

You could possibly create something stable from the ceiling if it had a pulley system with a platform/desk, and the desk had fold out legs for stability. This comment has some ideas that might help.
posted by hydra77 at 12:22 PM on August 18, 2024

Best answer: what the mechanism I want is called?
'lift' or 'jack' could be helpful keywords. systems described as 'storage lifts' appear to be primarily pulley-based. something with stable arms, like a wardrobe lift, might be more along the lines of what you're searching for? e.g. with pivot points closer to the ceiling & a clasp to keep the keyboard in place above (ianyArchitect)
posted by HearHere at 12:40 PM on August 18, 2024

The PulleyMaid overhead laundry rack comes to mind. Maybe it can be modified for your purpose. I probably would be wary of sitting under it though, however firm the knot.

Another similar thing is ironing boards. There are fold-down ironing board cabinets that are very low-profile.
posted by dum spiro spero at 1:46 PM on August 18, 2024 [1 favorite]

I think you want to do something like a tiny house bed lift. This seems like an explanation of the things you need, albeit from a company that sells them. You could obviously modify since your weight limit is likely to be lower.
posted by poxandplague at 2:03 PM on August 18, 2024

Heavy things pose some danger when mounted on a ceiling. I'd consider a fold-down arrangement, like for some ironing boards.
posted by theora55 at 3:06 PM on August 18, 2024

This may be a bit overkill, but the basic hardware would be useful. Look into 3D printers, as the same parts could be bought in 6 foot lengths.
posted by Sophont at 4:37 AM on August 19, 2024

Would a multidirection TV arm work if mounted upside-down?

Benefit - designed to hold electronics securely, though you'd need to figure out keyboard mounting.

I've seen pulleys and wall cleats used to store a trampoline off-season in a barn/garage. It was very simple and seemed secure. I suspect you could attach eyebolts to a solid hunk of hardwood or even 3/4 ply and hang it with 4 pulleys, though I wouldn't want to store the keyboard on it unless bolted down because you'd be lowering it one corner at a time, presumably alone.
posted by esoteric things at 4:34 PM on August 25, 2024

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