hernia repair experience
July 24, 2024 9:36 AM   Subscribe

What was your experience with hernia repair surgery? Specifically hiatal hernia?

I have had a hiatal hernia for some time now. All the tests indicate pretty moderate reflux. No pain involved. My main symptoms are coughing and throat clearing. But I have been doing that for decades and it might be nice to not do that anymore.
The proposed surgery is called a CTIFF. It seems pretty straightforward and I have been briefed on the expected recovery, diet, etc which takes about 6 weeks.

This is elective on my part. But I need to do it this year because it won't cost me anything.

So I would like to hear stories by anyone who has had this type of surgery and what you experienced, good, bad, or otherwise.
posted by jtexman1 to Health & Fitness (2 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
I had this exact procedure last fall, and it was a huge quality of life improvement! A+, would live through temporary soft food diet again.

I was kept in the hospital for one night after the procedure for pain management and monitoring to make sure I could tolerate food. Once I passed a swallow study, walked around a little, and was able to tolerate liquids and smooth purées the next day I was clear to go.

Not sure what your living situation is, but I live alone normally and spent my first week post surgery staying with family. Would recommend staying with others post-procedure even if you wouldn’t normally—you’ll probably be able to move okay, but I was still intermittently tired and in pain for the first bit and it was good to have the support. You’ll also have lifting restrictions for the first while—at this point it was helpful to be with family so they could help me bring all my laundry down to the washer.

I had a sedentary WFH job at the time of my surgery and was back to it after a week with no issues. Additional time might be worth it if your job is more active. If your job involves any lifting you’ll want to get a doctor’s note outlining how long you’ll be on lifting restrictions post procedure.

One thing I wish anyone had told me beforehand was that the nerves that control your diaphragm also control your shoulder and upper arm, so post-surgical irritation or swelling at the hernia repair site can also give you shoulder pain. I was sent home from the hospital with liquid oxycodone, but neither that or nsaids did much for the post-procedure shoulder pain. I ended up following up at an urgent care later and getting a muscle relaxer (Flexeril) which was much more helpful. Heating pads and hot water bottles also helped. Even still, I had intermittent shoulder pain often for maybe a month after the surgery, and then more sporadically after larger meals or chewier foods for an additional 2-3 months.

Stock up on all the soft foods and liquids you will want after the procedure well in advance. I got cold-brew herbal tea bags that I could throw in my purse, so I could go out with friends at times when I couldn’t have alcohol or carbonation again yet and still drink something fun. Get the fancy real fruit popsicles and sorbets, they’re worth it. Smoothies with full fat Greek yogurt or milkshakes will help you get enough calories. Adding a few shakes of cinnamon and ginger to chocolate pudding improves it tremendously. As you advance from purées to soft foods, chew everything much more than you ordinarily would and eat slowly. I was able to keep down soft food just fine around the three week to one month mark if I ate small portions at low speed, but if you go too fast you will be able to feel everything squeeze through the sphincter, which is painful and a little unnerving.

I’m coming up on a year out since my surgery. I’m off all daily meds for GERD, can count the number of times I’ve needed antacid on my hands (down from near-daily), eat basically anything I want, don’t wake up with terrible coughing or heartburn, and can tolerate strong coffee again. Living the dream.
posted by ActionPopulated at 5:20 PM on July 24 [5 favorites]

Response by poster: Thank you. This was helpful. Were you advised that you would be able to throw-up if needed? They say I will; that this isn't the old-school nissan fundiplication. I am a concerned about that possiblity.
posted by jtexman1 at 6:12 PM on July 24

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