How to change default email address in 'from' field in MS-Outlook?
July 24, 2024 4:31 AM   Subscribe

I have a sensitive role where I need the department's group email address to appear for the receiving party in the 'from' field. This needs to be the default.

Right now, I must go into the 'form' field and actively select the department address because the default address is my own personal work email address.

I cannot for the life of me work out how to flip it so that the department's email address is the default.
Can it be done tech-fites?
posted by peacay to Computers & Internet (3 answers total)
Go to File > Account Settings > Email tab, select your group email address and click "Set as Default".
posted by underclocked at 4:54 AM on July 24

Response by poster: Thanks. Oddly enough, when I follow along with your suggestion, I end up with only my personal address in front of me, so no ability to change settings. I'm thinking now that it's the organisation's integration into the program, so I guess I'll have to hit up the tech support people. Cheers.
posted by peacay at 2:53 AM on July 25

Best answer: That means that the group email address is not set up in your Outlook client as another mailbox. Probably you've got "Send As" access to a shared mailbox (the group address) which Outlooks knows about, so it lets you change the "From" option manually. But the only way to change the default "From" is to have the group account set up in your Outlook client.

Your IT people can do that for you but whether they will is another question because it's usually considered bad practice to do this for a shared account. Still, fingers crossed and good luck!
posted by underclocked at 9:48 AM on July 25 [1 favorite]

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