Durable lightweight bamboo socks, UK
July 4, 2024 3:37 AM   Subscribe

I bought a bunch of bamboo socks last year that I love, but within a year of normal use I've lost at least half of them to holes or other quality issues. Can anyone recommend a more durable alternative in the UK? Sensory considerations inside.

Last year I bought a lot of pairs of these socks in various colours.

I love how thin and lightweight they feel, how breathable they are, and how much the smooth toe seams don't irritate me. I'm more mixed on the value of the honeycomb cuffs, as these seem to pinch my ankles anyway despite apparently being designed not to do that.

What I hate is how quickly they form holes in the sole, lose flocking around the toes, and otherwise generally disintegrate. My sensory issues make me a very sock-unfriendly person to start with (at multiple times in my life I've thrown away all my socks because I hate how they feel), and having holes anywhere perceptible on the underside of the sock causes enough sensory irritation that I can no longer comfortably wear them.

The socks I linked are cheap, and it might be that there's no such thing as a very light, thin bamboo sock that doesn't disintegrate in a year or less of normal wear...but maybe there is?

I'm looking for more durable yet equally comfy recommendations that are sold and shipped within the UK. Preference for the same rough sock format, with long-ish ankles even if I choose to roll them down, as I find sneaker-style socks uncomfortable because the comparative lack of material makes them tug on themselves a lot. Vegan-only suggestions too, please; I'm not going to switch to wool or any other animal fibres.

(I realise could ship socks from the US or elsewhere, but the shipping probably isn't going to be cost effective and I'd rather buy local-ish.)
posted by terretu to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (8 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I don't know about the cost as they were a gift, but I like my 'cozy earth' socks a lot. They might be a bit thicker than you are looking for. I find them comfortable with boots and lighter shoes, minimally seam disruptive, and very breathable in warm weather. I am very hard-wearing on socks and they have held up well in rotation for a couple years now.
posted by Summers at 4:30 AM on July 4

I’ve only ordered boxer shorts & not socks from bambooclothing.co.uk, but they’ve lasted very well.
posted by rd45 at 4:31 AM on July 4

Seasalt https://www.seasaltcornwall.com/womens-sailor-socks-3

They are not very thin, thin enough perhaps, but are bamboo, comfy with those flocked toes and comfy seams, and the pair I have have lasted a long time. Also cute patterns.
posted by Balthamos at 4:50 AM on July 4

Response by poster: I should have mentioned, I'm specifically looking for men's socks for foot size & gender affirmation reasons. Thanks for the suggestions so far!
posted by terretu at 5:06 AM on July 4

Seasalt do the same bamboo “sailor socks” in the men’s dept. also.
posted by Balthamos at 5:08 AM on July 4

I’m in the UK also and love the Bamboo Socks Actives Black (Unisex) socks from Bam. They’re reinforced at potential weak spots and last very well.
posted by hazyjane at 9:48 AM on July 4

I've been wearing only Bam socks for the last five years, and have never known them to wear thin on the underside of the sock. The only holes they've ever sprung have been on the toes, and those are easily mended with needle and thread (and I don't feel the mend, but it might be different for you). Their cheapest four-packs of socks are my favourite. I've bought some pairs of their heavier ones, but the cheap, light ones give plenty of cushioning and warmth and last for years.
posted by kelper at 10:44 AM on July 4

I am also a BAM sock wearer - they are super soft and comfortable! However, I would say that they are not very durable. I wear them every day and they frequently wear through around the heel and toes. I'm sufficently frustrated that I intermittently look for alternatives, but none so far are as comfy so I put up with it.
posted by patricio at 1:10 AM on July 5

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