Olympics sights to see before the Olympics?
June 21, 2024 10:23 AM   Subscribe

Is there anything worth seeing in Paris ahead of the Olympics? The rings are up on the Eiffel Tower, but is there anything an ordinary tourist can see now? Venues, athletes village, stands for the opening ceremony?
posted by wnissen to Travel & Transportation around Paris, France (5 answers total)
Best answer: Never been to France or an Olympics, but am a fan of mountain biking (MTB). The MTB venue is Ellancourt Hill a reclaimed quarry/landfill that I've read is open to be ridden and will be afterwards. A bit west of Versailles and apparently has views of the area as a local high point.
posted by pappy at 11:34 AM on June 21, 2024 [1 favorite]

The Seine itself, where the Opening Ceremonies parade is planned, and where it had been suggested swimming events would take place.
posted by wenestvedt at 12:14 PM on June 21, 2024

Best answer: The Cultural Olympiad is on before and after the games, with tons of art and culture on in Paris and all over France.
posted by ellieBOA at 3:19 AM on June 22, 2024 [1 favorite]

Best answer: Supposedly, the arena and stands are up for the Olympic equestrian events at Versailles (although I haven't been able to find a picture), and they're working on the temporary stables etc. They're building them (or built them) at the other end of the property, at the end of the long central canal from Versailles Palace. Near "Grille de L'Etoile Royale" and "Les Fermes de Gally" if you're googling it.
posted by bluesky78987 at 7:35 AM on June 22, 2024 [1 favorite]

Response by poster: Those art, cycling and equestrian venues sound great, thanks!

To answer my own question, there is not much right now. Having biked/walked for several kilometers along the Seine near the main event facilities, it's hard to navigate due to the extensive closures.The stands and visitor areas are all under active construction and visitors can't get in. For instance, the Alibaba "Wonder Avenue" is marked "coming soon", and given that the games open in 33 days I would certainly hope so!

The official Olympic "boutique" opens on Thursday, June 27th, but there are smaller ones in several locations around Paris with expensive but pretty good merch. The only one open late is in the parvais area underneath the Eiffel Tower. And that's what I would recommend, since the view from there was the best I got all day. You can see the temporary stadiums on the Champ de Mars to the southeast, and the Trocadero to the northwest, as well as a bit of the Place de la Concorde.
posted by wnissen at 9:43 PM on June 23, 2024

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