video streaming that doesn't need me to say "save" for it to save
June 4, 2024 10:29 AM   Subscribe

I want to create an iPhone Shortcut that will automatically (or as close as possible) start streaming a live video. But I'm imagining a dangerous situation in which the iPhone might be stolen / smashed / thrown in a nearby creek or otherwise disabled. In other words, a baddie now has control over whether my video / stream lives or dies. Which video streaming service(s) (e.g. YouTube, Twitch, Instagram, Facebook) will keep my live streamed video if it gets suddenly canceled? And, ideally, which of those services are integrated with the Shortcuts app?
posted by jayfrosting to Computers & Internet (5 answers total)
Twitch will definitely keep your video (unless you turned off VODs on your account). I haven’t streamed via YouTube but I would be surprised if they didn’t save the video too.

HLS works in small fragments of video, it isn’t like the situation you might be thinking of where a computer or device powers off and the video file is corrupted because it was never saved properly.

It looks like Twitch’s iPhone app does support livestreaming from your phone, although I haven’t tried it myself. There’s a “Stream Now” quick action on the app icon so I think you can maybe shortcut it.

Also if you’re planning on streaming cops and that’s why you’re worried about losing your phone, there are apps for that. (Mobile Justice is one, and I think there are a couple state-specific ACLU ones too… I have “MN Justice” from the MN ACLU on my phone but I can’t find it on the App Store anymore.)
posted by neckro23 at 10:47 AM on June 4 [2 favorites]

YouTube will save the livestream permanently (well unless you actively delete it). Twitch keeps it for about a week.
posted by creatrixtiara at 8:29 PM on June 6

Response by poster: Update: I've tried making a couple test streams on Twitch. So far, not only can I not find any evidence that they were recorded, but the Help / Support staff doesn't understand my question when I ask them where the videos can be found.
posted by jayfrosting at 7:47 AM on June 7

It should be on your profile page on Twitch. Or check your settings for Video on Demand
posted by creatrixtiara at 8:00 AM on June 7

Response by poster: Update again! It turns out to need to create a video longer than, like, 15 seconds for it to count as an actual video.
posted by jayfrosting at 10:51 AM on June 8

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