Looking for a specific article/news release from October re: Israel
May 8, 2024 3:11 AM   Subscribe

I have a memory that very early on, like maybe October 10 or the like, there was an IDF social media post featuring a very old veteran pitching in, wearing the modern uniform. It was then alleged by others that the same man was on the public record as having participated in a rather grievous crime. The problem: Lost in the flood of news, I can't find *anything*. At very least, the original post did occur, I'm confident I didn't hallucinate it whole-cloth.

I *think* the original post was on Twitter, or possibly Insta. I've tried my best with google, but there's been so many articles, so many things that hit the same keywords.

It's not any of the men in either of these two articles

If I remember correctly, this wasn't "disgruntled veteran speaks out", the tone of the post was "even this old veteran is stepping up to the fight"

He was quite old. In my head, he was actually in the Irgun, or perhaps Haganah, when he committed the crimes, so perhaps his 90s? I'm least confident in that bit.

The crime I remember he was alleged to have committed was participating in the group sexual assault of a teenage Palestinian girl. I think there were actually audio recordings of him admitting to it. Then when it came out, there was a lot of speculation that proudly featuring such a man was a way the IDF was telegraphing how much leeway they'd be giving their soldiers, vs. people drawing comparisons with Ukraine and Azov and saying it was irrelevant.

Obviously, I don't want to go around talking to people about this and telling people if it turns out I'm entirely mistaken, or the audio recordings belonged to a different man, or any of a thousand ways I could be critically misrepresenting this story when I can't find any of my original sources. I've completely run out of google-fu though, and can't think of any new ways to find it. At very least the original social media post should be preserved *somewhere*.
posted by Audreynachrome to Law & Government (2 answers total)
Best answer: https://nypost.com/2023/10/10/95-year-old-reservist-joins-israels-fight-against-hamas-terrorists/

has comments like what you describe. Not the person himself, but the Lehi group.
posted by adekllny at 7:24 AM on May 8, 2024

Response by poster: There's too many coincidences for it not to be at least part of it! Now I can see if I can hunt down any of how that actually played out on social media.
posted by Audreynachrome at 2:44 AM on May 13, 2024

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