Help me understand my THC consumtion
April 22, 2024 2:51 AM   Subscribe

About a year ago I switched from vaping flower to single-use electric vaporiser pre-loaded with THC (but is it?). The commercial names of these products are "PackMan" and "The 10/10 Boys" and they are made in California. There is no list of ingredients on the packaging but it appears to contain "D9 liquid" and something called "diamond" and contains less than 0.3% Delta9. Where I live these items cannot be bought, so I cannot walk into a shop and ask about it.

The main advantage for me in using these disposable and preloaded vaporises is that there is no weed smell in the house, unlike the flower that I used to vape that caused my husband to want to leave me despite not vaping in the house. I know how bad disposable vapes are, even though I recycle mine, I hate this aspect. The other aspect I hate is that I don't know what is in these commercially produced vapes and what are the potential side effects. If you have experience with these THC vapes, can you please share your knowledge? thank you.
posted by anonymous to Health & Fitness (5 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Okay, I am guessing that if you are unable to buy these legally and are ordering through a Internet site, do any of the places offer proof of third-party lab testing? Regulation is still pretty much the Wild West in the US for cannabis as it's not federally legal. I was looking on the 10/10 Boys website and while they acknowledge that consumers should avoid carts that have fillers, they do not offer any sort of testing for those carts. You really are relying on those makers saying, "We kinda promise there may not be fillers in our products! But do your due diligence!"

It may be at some expense to you, but I would send one of those vapes for a lab test that way you can make sure there is no Vitamin E thinning agents, heavy metals (cannabis is a great plant for soil remediation so if the flower that was used was grown in not great soil, it will show up in the product), and any other nasties.
posted by Kitteh at 4:51 AM on April 22 [2 favorites]

The federal loophole making 0.3% d9-thc products not illegal (but are they legal? nobody knows) has opened up a kind of wild west for these products. has, I think, a good reputation, and claims tons of lab testing, but for all of that, for every brand, you have to take their word for it.
posted by dis_integration at 8:14 AM on April 22 [1 favorite]

This is why I stick to vaping flower. As you are realizing, these carts are unregulated and you have absolutely no way of knowing what you are inhaling. Even if you sent out a cart for a lab test, there's no guarantee of consistency between batches or producers. It is unlikely that these companies are making your health a priority in the manufacture of their products. Could you consider edibles as an effective alternative with no odor?
posted by gnutron at 10:48 AM on April 22 [6 favorites]

Anyone can buy empty vapes with CA stickers or brands on them on aliexpress and put whatever they want in them. I would be skeptical of any kind packaged or processed product that isn't from a state licensed dispensary, there is a very good chance it's counterfeit.

FWIW I've never seen these "loophole" products for sale in CA. They definitely don't sell these kinds of things at a dispensary, because real weed is legal and dirt cheap. What would be the point of selling "0.3% D9" in a legal state?
posted by bradbane at 1:14 PM on April 22 [3 favorites]

What would be the point of selling "0.3% D9" in a legal state?

Bypassing the legal framework. Head into any depressed rural area of California, walk into a locally owned gas station or head shop, and you’ll find these products near the cash register (sometimes behind the counter, sometimes not). <21 year olds without a proper hookup is a whole demographic for this garbage now.
posted by not just everyday big moggies at 1:42 PM on April 22 [2 favorites]

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