What was the name of this book about time travel?
February 28, 2024 7:23 AM   Subscribe

I'm trying to help a friend find a book about a time traveling woman. Details (and possibly spoilers) inside the fold!

My friend is looking for a specific book. She says it's about a young woman who goes back in time. There's a bridge involved and she marries a Mormon man. He passes away and she ends up with the love of her life. She thinks the setting is in the 1800s. The title might be something like Forever and Always in Time or Always and Forever. The cover was pink and red and had a girl with black hair on the cover.

Any leads? Thanks as always!
posted by mmmbacon to Writing & Language (5 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
If she married a Mormon and the book sticks to Mormon history, it was definitely set no earlier than the 1820s, but much more likely set in the 1840s or later, when exciting stuff happened: Smith was killed and the Mormons headed west and so on.

The title might be something like Forever and Always in Time or Always and Forever.
Oh, that narrows it down. (All time travel romance books are required to have a name like that.)
posted by pracowity at 7:59 AM on February 28, 2024 [1 favorite]

Could it be For Time & Eternity? It's got romance, Mormons, the 1800s, and a similar name. No time travel that I can discern, though.
posted by hepta at 8:20 AM on February 28, 2024 [1 favorite]

Maybe look into books by Anita Stansfield. She has a ton of (Mormon) novels with these themes and similar title types.
posted by Sassyfras at 9:44 AM on February 28, 2024 [1 favorite]

Okay so it's not Mormon, but any chance it's the classic YA novel Both Sides of Time? Cover is kinda pinkish, girl with black hair, 1800s setting, time travel. The fourth and final book in the series is titled For All Time.
posted by goodbyewaffles at 12:30 PM on February 28, 2024 [2 favorites]

Bridges of the Heart (2015) ? [Rachel] is whirled back in time to 1820 to learn that families are eternal not only through time forward, but also the past. Latter-day Saint women of all ages will enjoy Bridges of the Heart.

posted by Iris Gambol at 12:53 PM on February 28, 2024 [2 favorites]

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