Looking for one-on-one french classes
February 27, 2024 4:37 PM   Subscribe

I need to up my Quebec french, I'm hoping that maybe some online one-on-one will help get me over the hump to speaking. Any recommendations?

This feels like a thing I should be able to google, but there's just so much to wade through. Also filtering out France french is challenging.
I'm probably somewhere around A2?

I'm also nerdy, introverted, work from home in a generic job, don't leave the house enough, and read too much fanfiction (and am of an age where that feels like something that you don't discuss with people who aren't in fandom😅). I feel awkward enough making random conversation in English let alone a second language, which is a barrier that also makes this feel more overwhelming because I feel like I'm having to deal with two issues.
posted by platypus of the universe to Education (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
There used to be (and might still be!) a language board at Universite de Montreal (and I think the other universities had one too) where you could find a conversation partner in a target language. It was widely used by the community, not just students. In this scenario it might mean catching up with someone for an hour a week, speaking Quebec French the first half-hour and English for the last 30 minutes. I sat next to two people doing this at Olimpico in Mile End last week, so the practice still exists, though I'm not sure how people connect now.
If you're on Reddit, /r/Montreal might be a good place to find a language exchange partner.
posted by third word on a random page at 4:44 PM on February 27 [1 favorite]

I’ve had good experiences with Italki. Many of the instructors offer separate packages for teaching or conversation.
posted by Tell Me No Lies at 6:15 PM on February 27 [1 favorite]

Seconding italki, if you can spend some money on this. I would search for French teachers, then either by "Teacher is from... Canada"


Or use the search bar + French teachers to look up relevant terms like "Quebec"

posted by hazelscribe at 6:22 PM on February 27

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