Microcurrent devices for the face
February 27, 2024 2:33 PM   Subscribe

This question got me wondering about microcurrent devices (not TENS) for the face.

Have you used one? Did you have good results? Or was it a waste of money and time?
posted by Dolley to Clothing, Beauty, & Fashion (4 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
I have the NuFace mini. I am 47 years old and some of my biggest aging gripes have to do with losing tone and sagging skin/facial features. I used it fairly religiously (3-4 times a week) for at least 6 months. Here are my thoughts:

1. The battery does not hold a freaking charge so I just keep it plugged in whenever I'm not using it.
2. I do think it worked, maybe, a bit, but once you stop using it the effects reverse.
3. You have to use a conducting gel. The NuFace branded gel is nice, but very expensive. Other brands of gels or even just medical ultrasound gel can work, but are much less pleasant on the skin. Honestly it's the number one deterrent for me wanting to pick it up and use it.
4. The app is stupid and annoying so after I learned the basic routine of what to do, I stopped using it. It works just fine without it.
5. I did kind of like the feeling of the very mild tingling and spending some time rubbing cool metal spheres over my face.

Right now I'm not using it because my skin is being weird due to other issues and the last thing I need is to slather it with gel 3 times a week (even when I wiped off each section of my face after it was done, it still just felt... gross.)

Overall, I think it can work if you can be really diligent about it but the effects were subtle for me and they're temporary and I'm not sure if they are worth the downsides. I also don't know how any of this changes with the non-mini versions or other brands of devices.
posted by misskaz at 4:17 PM on February 27

Also, I don't think it does anything for wrinkles, so when I say it "worked" I mean my face felt a little tightened, jawline a little firmer, etc. I don't really care about wrinkles but for whatever reason my jowls bug me a lot.
posted by misskaz at 4:20 PM on February 27

I have not tried the NuFACE but just today I read a review of the NuFACE on a blog I frequent and trust based on other reviews and experiences.
posted by gentlyepigrams at 4:35 PM on February 27

I have a Lumo device from EvenSkyn. I'm afraid to use it at the max level for frequency of sessions plus the level 3 microcurrent is too intense to get used to and be comfortable. But even using it 1-2 times a week on level 1 or 2 intensity when I'm done my face seems to have a healthier complexion. It seems to get the circulation working well. This one has a lot of different beauty science actions in one device. RF, infrared, and more.

They have a lot of user reviews with before and after pics. I believe if I used it for the max amount of time suggests at the max setting I'd have more pronounced results. But even the little I'm doing seems to change things.
posted by crunchy potato at 10:35 PM on February 27 [1 favorite]

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